Law Firm’s White Paper Claims US Bank Regulators Are Waging a ‘Clandestine Financial War’ Against Crypto Businesses

According to a recent white paper published by four members of the law firm Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, USA. bank regulators are attempting todrive crypto businesses out of the financial system.The paper, pealkirjaga “Operation Chokepoint 2.0,claims that after

Ukraina kiirendab digitaalse grivna projekti, Selle aasta pilootplaanid

Ukraina võimud kiirendavad elektroonilise grivna väljatöötamist, osutas kõrge riigiametnik. The executive power in Kyiv is now in talks with the central bank and businesses involved in the project to pilot the digital currency as

Get Real, Lagarde — The Underlying Asset ‘Guaranteeing’ Your Euro Scam Coin Is a Gun

With the approaching tsunami of central bank digital currencies (CBDC-d) looming ever closer, it shouldnt come as a surprise when central banks shill their coins at the expense of sounder assets. Hiljuti, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde went so far

Küpros koostab krüptoreeglid, võib neid enne EL määrusi tutvustada

Cyprus has prepared its own legislation to regulate crypto assets and is likely to adopt it before Europe finalizes a common regulatory framework, a government official has indicated. The authorities in Nicosia welcome thecarefuluse of cryptocurrencies, ta lisas. valitsus…

Joe Rogan ütleb, et Bitcoin on n-ö hulluks minemas, Viimased inflatsiooni kohta, ja palju muud – uudistenädala ülevaade

Another whirlwind week in crypto draws to a close, and of course theres no shortage of spicy stories and new, compelling narratives in the world of innovative digital money. See nädal, Elon Musk gives investment advice, United States Securities and Exchange

Krüptomaksude maksustamise aspekte reguleeriva seaduseelnõu esitati Venemaa parlamendile

Venemaad ajakohastav seaduseelnõu’Riigiduumale on esitatud maksuseadus krüptovaluutasid puudutavate sätete lisamiseks, parlamendi alamkoda. Seadusandlus on koostatud reguleerima müügi ja kasumi maksustamist riigis’s market for

Ukraina keskpank piirab Venemaa rünnaku tõttu sularaha väljavõtmist

The central bank of Ukraine has capped withdrawals of cash in national fiat and banned those in foreign currency. The monetary authority says the measures aim to ensure the functioning of the nations financial system under the martial law introduced in

Crypto Exchange Binance Joins Expert Center at Russian Banks Association

Digital asset exchange Binance has become the first crypto company to support the Association of Banks of Russia in efforts devoted to regulating the countrys growing cryptocurrency market. The coin trading platform will also work with authorities in Moscow as they

Venemaa valitsuse kavandid reguleerimiseks, Mitte keelata krüpto, Raport avalikustab

Mitmed ministeeriumid on koostanud krüptorahade tegevuskava, reguleerivad asutused, ja õiguskaitseorganid, Venemaa meedia teatas. Dokument, mille eesmärk on Venemaad reguleerida’s krüptoturul selle aasta lõpuks, tekib keset lahkarvamusi nende vahel…

Kosovo arestis sadu krüptokaevandusmasinaid

Police in Kosovo seized another batch of over 200 mining devices as part of raids that started on Thursday. The offensive against underground crypto farms was launched after authorities in Pristina banned the power-hungry minting of digital currencies amid an energy