Pakistani pangad kasutavad KYC jaoks plokiahela tehnoloogiat

Pakistani pangad kavatsevad käivitada elektroonilise platvormi tunne-oma-klienti protseduuride jaoks, mis hakkab toimima riiklikul tasandil. Plokiahelal põhinev süsteem võimaldab neil vahetada klientide isiklikku teavet läbi, mida nad kirjeldavad kui detsentraliseeritud ja…

Krüptokasiinosid on võimatu seadistada, kuna mäng on plokiahelas - Online-kasiino arvustaja

According to an igaming expert, Keane Ecclestone, crypto casinos are increasingly popular with bettors that value their privacy and security. While some perceive crypto casinos to be riskier than traditional online gambling platforms, Ecclestone believes bettors can play safely by choosing

Animoca kaubamärgid, Yuga Labs Tease Bored Ape Secret Project "Powered by Apecoin"

Since the token was launched roughly three days ago, the digital currency apecoin (AHV) has been a topical conversation within the cryptocurrency community on forums and social media. Nii kaugel, just over 82% of the claimable APE has been claimed and

Binance Launches Bitfinity, a Payments Company Targeting the Web3 Economy

Leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance has announced the launch of its own payments processing company, Bitfinity. Bitfinity will act as the default fiat-to-crypto payments ramp for the exchange, as well as for other blockchains. With this launch, Binance also targets the expanding

Central Bank of Argentina Prepares New Regulations for Digital Wallets

The Central Bank of Argentina is reportedly working on a new group of regulations seeking to control the totality of the digital wallets in the country. This new legal framework is directed at stopping fraud said to be facilitated by these

Briti turvalisuse mõttekoja aruanne hoiatab, et NFT-d võivad rahapesuskeeme toetada

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the British defense and security think tank, questions whether or not non-fungible token (NFT) assets can be used for money laundering purposes. The report determines that in order to mitigate the money laundering risks a

Kongressi passid $1.2 Triljoni infrastruktuuri seaduseelnõu – krüptoadvokaadid kritiseerivad maakleri muudetud määratlust, Maksukood 6050I

Congress has passed the Biden administrations bill aimed at improving infrastructure, fighting climate change, and bolstering social services. The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which also expands the definition of a broker, awaits U.S. president Joe Bidens signature after passing with a