Coinbase Tries AI Assistant Chatgpt for Pre-Listing Risk Assessment of Tokens

Crypto exchange Coinbase has tested Openai’s Chatgpt as a token verification tool comparing it with its standard security procedure. In over half of the cases, the AI platform produced the same results as the manual review, but it also failed to

Äärmuslik turu turbulents: Kriitikud helistavad Warreni Silvergate'i väitele, et see on kohutavalt valesti informeeritud,SVB kukub kokku, Vitaliku märgi müük liigutab turge, ja rohkem – nädala ülevaade

Rahanduses on olnud rahutu nädal, kui niinimetatud krüptosõbralik Silvergate Bank teatas oma likvideerimisest, USA. Senaator Elizabeth Warren süüdistab sündmust “krüptorisk,” ja üksikisikud sotsiaalmeedias, kes osutavad, et Warren on “kohutavalt valesti informeeritud.” Lisaks, USA. Regulaatorid… Shutters Asset Management Subsidiary Amid Crypto Winter and Industry Turmoil

According to reports and a filing that shows its name struck off the U.K. companies’ register list, is sunsetting its Asset Management subsidiary. A company spokesperson cited deterioratingmacroeconomic conditions” ja “krüpto talv” as some of the reasons

Pakistani pangad kasutavad KYC jaoks plokiahela tehnoloogiat

Pakistani pangad kavatsevad käivitada elektroonilise platvormi tunne-oma-klienti protseduuride jaoks, mis hakkab toimima riiklikul tasandil. Plokiahelal põhinev süsteem võimaldab neil vahetada klientide isiklikku teavet läbi, mida nad kirjeldavad kui detsentraliseeritud ja…

Napster laieneb Mint laulude omandamisega Web3 muusikaruumiks

Kolmapäeval, Napster, aastal käivitati muusika voogedastusteenus 1999, teatas, et ettevõte on lõpetanud tehingu Web3 muusika idufirma Mint Songs omandamiseks. Napsteri tegevjuht, Jon Vlassopulos, nõuab seda “oleme innovatsiooni enneolematul ajastul…

Microsoft Reportedly Shutting Down Industrial Metaverse Focused Group

Software giant Microsoft is shutting down one of its most significant groups dedicated to the development and promotion of the industrial metaverse. Aruannete kohaselt, the company terminated its whole Industrial Metaverse Core group, which was composed of 100 employees, nagu…

Bank of New York Mellon: ‘Clients Are Absolutely Interested in Digital Assets’

Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon) has revealed that its clientsare absolutely interested in digital assets.Emphasizing the need for clear crypto regulation, the bank’s head of digital assets noted: “We need responsible actors who can offer reliable services

Analyst Warns of Banks’ Authority to Confiscate Funds, Decline of US Dollar Purchasing Power

According to Lynette Zang, chief market analyst at ITM Trading, USA. banks have the legal authority to confiscate people’s funds due to legislation passed by Congress. Hiljutises intervjuus, Zang discussed how the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar has

Starkware Plans to Open Source Key Tech Linked to Starknet Prover

At the Starkware Sessions 2023 event, held at the Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware co-founder Eli Ben-Sasson informed the audience that the company intends to open sourcekey techlinked to the Starknet Prover. During the event, the co-founder

Metaverse Tokens Outperform Top Crypto Assets in 2023 With Decentraland’s MANA Leading the Pack

During the first month of 2023, the top two leading cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ethereum, experienced double-digit gains against the U.S. dollarit. Vahepeal, several alternative cryptocurrencies saw even greater increases in value, with metaverse tokens like Decentralands MANA and The Sandboxs SAND