Pakistani pangad kasutavad KYC jaoks plokiahela tehnoloogiat

Pakistani pangad kavatsevad käivitada elektroonilise platvormi tunne-oma-klienti protseduuride jaoks, mis hakkab toimima riiklikul tasandil. Plokiahelal põhinev süsteem võimaldab neil vahetada klientide isiklikku teavet läbi, mida nad kirjeldavad kui detsentraliseeritud ja…

Türgi krüptoühing lubab blokeerida kauplejaid ohverdavad börsid

A new organization has been established in Turkey with the aim to monitor and help develop the country’s crypto sector, local media reported. Its first task will be to address recent problems with some cryptocurrency exchanges and boost confidence in the

Russian Bankers Suggest Criminalizing Crypto Storage in Non-Custodial Wallets

Keeping cryptocurrencies in non-custodial wallets may be criminalized in Russia, if authorities accept a proposal from the trade association representing Russian banks. While financial regulators think the idea deserves attention, lawmakers and experts doubt its possible to implement such a measure….

Crypto Exchange Binance Joins Expert Center at Russian Banks Association

Digital asset exchange Binance has become the first crypto company to support the Association of Banks of Russia in efforts devoted to regulating the countrys growing cryptocurrency market. The coin trading platform will also work with authorities in Moscow as they

China Censors Crypto-Themed Short Videos Shared Online

An industry organization controlled by the Chinese government has updated a list of topics users of video-sharing apps should avoid. Crypto-related content is now among the entries along with traditional taboos in China like mocking its leadership, provoking sectarianism, and showing