Kasahstani politsei arreteeris jõugu, mis sunnib IT-spetsialiste krüptofarme juhtima

Law enforcement in Kazakhstan detained members of a crime group suspected of forcing IT experts into operating underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining with threats and blackmail. The racketeers allegedly made up to half a million U.S. dollars a month from their

Charles Schwabi 655 miljardi dollari suurune varahaldusrühm alustab sel nädalal krüptoga seotud ETF-iga kauplemist

Charles Schwab’s $655 billion asset management arm is launching its first crypto-related exchange-traded fund (ETF). The new fund is expected to start trading this week on the NYSE Arca exchange. Charles Schwab Launches Its First Crypto-Related ETF Schwab Asset Management, a…

Iraan muudab eeskirju, et hõlbustada krüptokaevurite juurdepääsu taastuvenergiale

Authorities in Iran have revised some rules for the crypto mining industry in order to facilitate its access to green power. Licensed miners will now be able to purchase electricity produced from renewable sources from across the country at lower rates….

Security Service of Ukraine Shuts Down Crypto Mining Farm Near Front Line in Kharkiv

Ukraina’s main law enforcement agency has busted an illegal facility mining cryptocurrencies in the Kharkiv region. The operators of the crypto farm have been minting coins using large amounts of stolen electricity, threatening energy supply to critical infrastructure, the agency said….

Rootsi vajab energiat kasulikumate asjade jaoks kui Bitcoini kaevandamine, Energiaminister ütleb

Concerned about projected increase in electricity demand, the government in Sweden may turn its back on crypto mining, riik’s energy minister has indicated. Swedish bitcoin minting industry, a leader in Europe, is likely to soon lose the preferential treatment it

Iraan sulgeb rekordiliselt suure energianõudluse tõttu krüptokaevandusfarmid

Iraani võimud kavatsevad litsentsitud krüptokaevandusrajatised vooluvõrgust lahti ühendada, kuna elektritarbimine riigis on jõudmas rekordkõrgusele. Kaevandusfarmid lõigatakse võrgust ära kolmapäeval, the Islamic Republics Ministry of Energy announced. Legal Crypto

Bitfarmid muretsevad Bitcoini hindade languse pärast keset oma investeerimisplaani Latami

Bitfarms, a global bitcoin mining company, has told that the price of bitcoin, above all other elements, is one of the most important factors for the future of the industry. Damián Polla, Bitfarms Latam General Manager, stated that countries like Argentina,…

Crypto Mining Farm Uncovered in Russia’s Oldest Prison

Russian law enforcement officials are investigating a crypto mining operation at Butyrka, Venemaa’s oldest prison. A deputy warden has been accused of stealing electricity to mint digital coins with the help of unidentified accomplices. Deputy Warden Suspected of Mining Cryptocurrency in

Hävitatud ebaseaduslike krüptokaevandusfarmide arv Iraanis läheneb 7,000

Iraani võimud on peaaegu sulgenud 7,000 volitamata rajatised krüptoraha kaevandamiseks viimase kahe aasta jooksul, teatas kohalik meedia. Vastavalt aruandele, enamik illegaalseid bitcoinifarme oli koondunud viide Islamivabariigi provintsi,…

Kavandatav krüptokaevandamise keeld Norras ei leidnud parlamendis toetust

A push to prohibit the energy-intensive proof-of-work mining of cryptocurrencies in Norway has been rejected by the majority of lawmakers. The ban had been suggested by the far-left Red Party which also didnt win backing to raise an electricity tax for