Crypto Custody Firm Fireblocks Launches Web3 Services Suite

Fireblocks, a crypto custody service provider, is expanding its services with the launch of an institutional suite of Web3 services. This suite will allow customers to leverage liquidity from different exchanges, and mint NFTs. The service, which has already onboarded several

Küpros koostab krüptoreeglid, võib neid enne EL määrusi tutvustada

Cyprus has prepared its own legislation to regulate crypto assets and is likely to adopt it before Europe finalizes a common regulatory framework, a government official has indicated. The authorities in Nicosia welcome thecarefuluse of cryptocurrencies, ta lisas. valitsus…

Terra kokkuvarisemine jätkab katk Defi - väärtus on lukustatud Cross-Chain Bridges alla 20% See kuu

Pärast Terra plokiahela fiasko tagajärgi, detsentraliseeritud rahandus (defi) continues to feel the impact of the projects fallout. Viimase nelja päeva jooksul on koguväärtus lukustatud (TVL) in defi on langenud 2.61% väärtuses, and cross-chain bridges have

Bitcoin Argentina valitsusväline organisatsioon viib krüptohariduse koolidesse

Bitcoin Argentina, MTÜ, mis on pühendunud Bitcoini ja krüptovaluuta edendamisele ja laiendamisele riigis, kavatseb Bitcoini hariduse keskkoolidesse viia. Projekt, helistas “Schools and Bitcoin,” will help educate high school students about the relevance

FTX asutaja Sam Bankman-Fried arvab, et Bitcoinil pole maksevõrguna tulevikku

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has given his take regarding the future of Bitcoins usage. Bankman-Fried stated he doesnt believe that Bitcoin will work as a payments network, due to its limited capability for scaling to fulfill

Elon Musk: USA majandus on tõenäoliselt majanduslanguses, mis võib kesta 18 Kuud – hoiatab, et see läheb hullemaks

Tesla ja Spacexi tegevjuht Elon Musk ütleb, et U.S. economy is probably in a recession and it could betough goingfor 12 juurde 18 kuud. Ta lisas: “The honest reason for inflation is that the government printed a zillion

Nigerian SEC Announces New Rules Governing Issuance of Digital Assets

The Nigerian securities regulator has announced new rules that govern the issuing of digital assets. The new rules also include registration requirements for platforms that offer digital assets. Initial Assessment Filing The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced new

Aruanne: AÜE lennufirma Emirates asus makseteenusena kasutama bitcoini

One of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)’s leading airlines, Emirates Airline, said it has plans to addbitcoin as a payment service.The airline is planning to recruit personnel to create applications that monitor client needs. Two Different Applications and Approaches

BIS: 9 otsas 10 Keskpangad üle maailma uurivad digitaalseid valuutasid – ajendatud krüptoturust

Üheksa välja 10 keskpangad kogu maailmas uurivad keskpankade digitaalseid valuutasid (CBDC-d), Rahvusvahelise Arvelduspanga viimase uuringu kohaselt (BIS). Lisaks, “the emergence of stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies have accelerated the work on CBDCs.” BIS…

Usaldusväärsusega seotud mured – Galopi küsitlus näitab Fed Chair'i usaldusreitingut kahekohalises järjekorras

Mais avaldatud Gallopi küsitluse järgi 2, the publics confidence in Americas current economic leaders has been deteriorating. Usaldus USA vastu. USA president Joe Biden. majandus on langenud 57% juurde 40%, and faith in Federal Reserve