Hackers Stole $3.8 Billion From Crypto Firms in 2022, Says Chainalysis

Blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis says 2022 oli “the biggest year ever for crypto hacking,” koos $3.8 billion stolen from cryptocurrency businesses. The firm added that decentralized finance (defi) protocol hacks accounted for 82.1% of all cryptocurrency stolen by hackers during the

Don’t Forget the Importance of Censorship Resistance

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. I’m

Coin Center Sues US Treasury Over Tornado Cash Ban — Lawsuit Says Government’s Action ‘Was Unlawful’

The non-profit that focuses on policy issues facing cryptocurrencies, Coin Center, has filed a lawsuit against the Treasury department, the secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC) director Andrea Gacki. Coin Centers court filing

Stablecoini emitent Tether ei külmuta Tornado sularahaaadresse, Ütleb, et enneaegne külmutamine võib uurimist ohustada

While the crypto community is still talking about the U.S. government banning the ethereum mixing platform Tornado Cash, the stablecoin issuer Tether Holdings Limited revealed on Wednesday that the company would notfreeze Tornado Cash addresses.” Tether’s recently published blog post

Ethereumi konsensuse pööre panuse tõendamise poole paneb kasutajad muretsema protokollitaseme tsenseerimise võimalikkuse pärast

The upcoming consensus change that Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is planning to execute in September has worried many users about the possibility of censorship happening at a protocol level. See tähendab, et, even by interacting directly with

Mündikeskuse teatel ületab OFACi Tornado sularahakeeld seadusega ettenähtud volitusi,Plaanid "suhtele astuda" USA valvekoeraga

augustil 15, the non-profit that focuses on policy issues facing crypto assets, Coin Center, published a blog post that says the organization is looking at the legality of the recent Tornado Cash sanctions enforced by the U.S. Rahandusosakond’s Office

OFACi Tornado sularahakeeld põhjustab Githubi peatamise ja 437 miljoni dollari suuruse krüptoaadresside musta nimekirja kandmise

augustil 8, the ethereum mixing service Tornado Cash, and all the crypto addresses associated with the platform, were officially banned by the U.S. Rahandusosakond’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Following the ban, the internet hosting service for software

USA rahandusministeeriumi OFAC lisab 3 Põhja-Korea küberkuritegevuse rühmaga seotud ETH-aadressid SDN-nimekirjaga

Välisvarade kontrolli amet (OFAC) on lisanud kolm Ethereumi aadressi oma spetsiaalselt määratud kodanike ja blokeeritud isikute loendisse (SDN). OFAC väidab, et eetri aadresse kontrollib Lazarus Group, a cybercrime group that is associated with North

FBI andis hoiatuse seoses pahatahtlike riigi toetatud Põhja-Korea häkkeritega, kes sihivad krüptofirmasid

aprillil 18, föderaalne juurdlusbüroo (FBI), USA. Rahandusosakond, ning küberturvalisuse ja infrastruktuuri turvalisuse agentuur (CISA) avaldas küberturvalisuse nõuande (CSA) aruanne pahatahtliku Põhja-Korea riiklikult rahastatud krüptovaluutategevuse kohta. Vastavalt U.S. valitsus, korrakaitse…

ETH mikser Tornado Cash paljastab OFAC-i sanktsioneeritud Ethereumi aadresside blokeerimise ahelaanalüüsi Oracle'i lepingu kaudu

Vastavalt projektile’ametlik Twitteri konto, Tornaado sularaha, ethereumi segamisteenus, mis võimaldab osalejatel eetrit segada, blokeerib välisvarade kontrolli büroos loetletud lipuga märgitud ethereumi aadressid’s (OFAC) Spetsiaalselt määratud kodanike ja blokeeritud isikute nimekiri (SDN)….