Bitcoin teeb edusamme mahajäämuse likvideerimisel, kuid välguvõrgu läbilaskevõime ja kanalid langesid ummikute tõttu

Viimasel nädalal, Bitcoini võrk on oma ummikuprobleemide lahendamisel edusamme teinud. mail 7, 2023, kinnitamata tehingute arv saavutas kõigi aegade kõrgeima taseme, üle 500,000 ülekandeid, põhjustades suure mahajäämuse. Kuid, alates tänasest, et…

Former FTX CEO Seeks $10M Insurance Fund for Legal Defense, Request Opposed by FTX Debtors and Unsecured Creditors

Court filings reveal that the FTX co-founder is seeking access to a $10 million insurance plan to cover his attorney fees. FTX debtors and unsecured creditors have opposed Sam Bankman-Fried’s request, arguing that every dollar spent on his defense isone

Bitcoin Network Preps for Another Difficulty Spike as Hashrate Remains Strong and Miners Profit Amid Price Surge

Following the last two difficulty increases on the Bitcoin network, another rise in difficulty is expected to take place on March 24, 2023. Statistics show that Bitcoins hashrate has remained high despite the last two adjustments, and block times have been

USA inflatsiooniandmed leevendavad muret; Krüptomajandus hüppab 11% Kõrgem, samas kui turuanalüütikud ootavad Fedi järgmist otsust

USA. Tööministeerium avaldas tarbijahinnaindeksi (CPI) aruanne teisipäeval. Kuigi inflatsioon veebruaris aastatagusega võrreldes kasvas, tõus oli ootuspärane, ja kõigi artiklite aastane inflatsioonimäär oli 6%. Jahutav inflatsioon on mõningaid muresid leevendanud, aga…

Challenging Year for Bitcoin Miners as Fewer BTC Mining Rigs Are Profitable at Current Prices

Bitcoin miners have had a challenging year as the networks mining difficulty reached an all-time high and the spot market price of bitcoin dropped below the cost of production. Praegu, with electricity costs at $0.07 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), only 18 application-specific

Bitcoin Miners Discovered 53,240 Blocks This Year, Foundry Led the Pack, Hashrate Tapped an All-Time High

As the new year approaches, more than a dozen bitcoin mining pools still dedicate a total of 238 eksahas sekundis (EH/s) toward the Bitcoin blockchain in order to secure the network and reap mining rewards. Statistics indicate that the mining

CoinEx: Uue krüptotuleviku vastuvõtmiseks, muutes krüptokaubanduse järgmise viie aasta jooksul lihtsamaks

PRESSITEADE. In December 2022, CoinEx will celebrate its fifth birthday. Since its inception, the crypto exchange has gone through bulls and bears and attracted over four million users across more than 200 countries and regions worldwide. For both CoinEx and

Bitcoini koguhashrate langes detsembris, kuna BTC kaevurid võitlevad kasumi nimel

Kuigi bitcoini hinnad on olnud madalamad kui bitcoini tootmiskulud, võrku’s hashrate on alates novembri keskpaigast oluliselt langenud. Praegu, Bitcoini võrgustikule pühendatud kogu hashraat liigub mööda kell 236 eksahas sekundis (EH/s)…

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Warns About Crypto Exchange Website Using Its Name

The Warren Buffett-led Berkshire Hathaway has issued a statement warning that a cryptocurrency exchange website is using its name. The company stressed that the crypto firm has no affiliation with Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or its chairman and CEO, Warren E. Buffett….

Bitcoin Miners Face a Squeeze as BTC Production Cost Remains Well Above Spot Market Value

Bitcoin miners are dealing with lots of pressure following the recent difficulty adjustment increase on Nov. 20, 2022, and the leading crypto asset dropping further in value against the U.S. dollar following FTXs collapse. Statistics recorded this past weekend show that