Bitcoin Difficulty Reaches New All-Time High After Fourth Consecutive Increase

aprillil 6, 2023, Bitcoin’s difficulty rose 2.23% higher at block height 784,224, touching another all-time high. It’s the fourth consecutive difficulty increase on the Bitcoin network since Feb. 24, and the protocol’s current difficulty is 47.89 triljonit, which is only

Samal ajal kui kaevurid tegelevad madalate BTC hindadega, Bitcoini kaevandamisraskuste eesmärk peaks eeldatavasti suurenema 3% Kõrgem

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty target is expected to increase on Dec. 19, 2022, after printing the largest reduction recorded in 2022 detsembril. 5, ploki kõrgusel 766,080. During the last 2,016 plokid, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been around 254.3 eksahas sekundis…

Bitcoini koguhashrate langes detsembris, kuna BTC kaevurid võitlevad kasumi nimel

Kuigi bitcoini hinnad on olnud madalamad kui bitcoini tootmiskulud, võrku’s hashrate on alates novembri keskpaigast oluliselt langenud. Praegu, Bitcoini võrgustikule pühendatud kogu hashraat liigub mööda kell 236 eksahas sekundis (EH/s)…

Bitcoin Miners May Get Another Break This Week as Network’s Mining Difficulty Is Expected to Drop

Bitcoin miners may catch another break this week as the networks mining difficulty is estimated to see a reduction tomorrow. Every two weeks Bitcoins difficulty adjustment algorithm (DAA) muudatusi, and during the last DAA change, the difficulty dipped by 4.33%. Praegu,…

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Hits a Lifetime High After a 5.56% Increase, Metric Nears 30 triljon

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached a lifetime high on April 27, ploki kõrgusel 733,824, after jumping 5.56% higher than two weeks ago. The difficulty jump further indicates that Bitcoins difficulty is also nearing 30 triljonit, as the change on Wednesday shows

Kuna Bitcoini Hashrate püsib kõrgel, Eeldatavasti saavutab BTC kaevandamisraskus kogu elu kõrgeima taseme

During the last month, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been coasting along above the 200 eksahas sekundis (EH/s) zone, minus a number of drops here and there above and below that range. Following two difficulty changes that saw the difficulty decrease by

Bitcoini räsivõimsus on endiselt kõrge, Üles 163% sisse 5 Kuud, Valukoda USA käsutab ülemist kaevandusbasseini

The hashpower behind the Bitcoin network has continued to stay above the 180 eksahas sekundis (EH/s) zone after recently reaching a lifetime high. Five months ago the hashrate tapped a low at 69 EH/s and since then, the hashpower has