El estratega de mercado espera que el mercado de valores caiga 50% De aquí, Dice que 'No va a quedar ninguna clase media'

Following Jerome Powells hawkish commentary at the annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium, major stock indexes, CRIPTOMONEDAS, and precious metals slid significantly in value. Sobre $240 billion was erased from the crypto market and the Crypto Fear and Greed Index continues to

A pesar del debate de la Casa Blanca, Los críticos insisten en que EE. UU. esté oficialmente en recesión después 2 Trimestres consecutivos de crecimiento negativo del PIB

Los Estados Unidos. economy has declined for the second-straight quarter as the countrys gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 0.9% in Q2. The Bureau of Economic Analysiss summary of the U.S. GDP follows the recent debate over the technical definition of a

La inflación de EE. UU. sigue siendo abrasadora, saltando a 9.1% en junio: la Casa Blanca dice que los datos del IPC ya están "desactualizados"

According to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (IPC) reporte, A NOSOTROS. inflation remains scorching hot as it has risen at the fastest yearly rate since 1981. Junio’s CPI data reflected a 9.1% year-over-year increase, even though a number

La presidenta de la Fed de Cleveland, Loretta Mester, "no predice una recesión",dice que la inflación bajará

Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank president Loretta Mester doesnt think a recession will take place in the United States but believes it will take two years to get inflation back down to 2%. While speaking during an interview on Sunday, Mester explained

El banco central de EE. UU. sube la tasa de referencia en 75 bps, El mayor aumento de la Fed desde 1994

Los Estados Unidos. Federal Reserve raised the federal funds rate by 75 puntos básicos (bps) el miércoles, and it was the largest increase since 1994. According to the Fed members expectations, the central bank will likely add another 1.5 percentage points by

Ser realistas, Lagarde: el activo subyacente que 'garantiza' que su moneda de estafa en euros es un arma

With the approaching tsunami of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) looming ever closer, it shouldnt come as a surprise when central banks shill their coins at the expense of sounder assets. Recientemente, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde went so far

Las inquietantes similitudes del gran cambio monetario de hoy y la creación del sistema de la Reserva Federal impulsada por el pánico

Si bien muchos estadounidenses creen que los EE.. La Reserva Federal es el guardián del país.’sistema monetario, también se cree que es una de las peores instituciones financieras jamás creadas. En 2022, en medio de una economía sombría, guerra, and a number of global

El jefe bancario del Senado de los EE. UU. Critica los anuncios criptográficos del Super Bowl, Las afirmaciones de que las "grandes empresas criptográficas están desesperadas"

The United States senator from Ohio and Senate Banking Committee chief Sherrod Brown is not a fan of cryptocurrencies. This week during Tuesdays stablecoin hearing, Brown criticized all the cryptocurrency companies who advertised during the Super Bowl this past weekend and

Metales preciosos, CRIPTOMONEDAS, Los mercados bursátiles se tambalean tras las declaraciones de subida de tipos de Powell

Equities, crypto markets, and precious metals did well during the early morning trading sessions on Wednesday, just before the U.S. central bank wrapped up its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. While the Fed said in a statement that the benchmark

Fed’s Minutes Report ‘Bludgeons’ Global Markets — Stocks, Cripto, Precious Metals Slip in Value

Minutes from the U.S. Reserva Federal’s policy meeting on December 14-15 show that the central bank is being persistent about unwinding quantitive easing (QE) tactics and that it views ultra-low interest rates as no longer necessary. Global markets immediately dropped after