La inflación de EE. UU. sigue siendo abrasadora, saltando a 9.1% en junio: la Casa Blanca dice que los datos del IPC ya están "desactualizados"

According to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (IPC) reporte, A NOSOTROS. inflation remains scorching hot as it has risen at the fastest yearly rate since 1981. Junio’s CPI data reflected a 9.1% year-over-year increase, even though a number

Mientras las acciones se recuperan, Los analistas discuten el desacoplamiento de Bitcoin, Los mercados del oro siguen 'bajo presión'

A NOSOTROS. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on

Mientras que los mercados globales se asustan por Covid y una Fed Hawkish, Las acciones y las criptomonedas se recuperan después de que Musk compra Twitter

Wall Street suffered Monday morning as the major U.S. stock indexes dropped further, building on losses gathered last week. Reports indicate that investors are concerned about the upcoming Federal Reserve rate hikes and Chinas recent Covid-19 outbreak. As equities floundered on