Cashtokens ocupa un lugar central después de la actualización de Bitcoin Cash: Sobre 26,000 Fichas creadas

Tras la reciente actualización de Bitcoin Cash el lunes, Los datos revelan que aproximadamente 1,308 fichas fungibles y 25,336 fichas no fungibles (NFT) han surgido en la cadena de bloques. Es más, ahora se puede acceder al ecosistema de tokens Cashtokens a través de los exploradores de blockchain y, allowing users to explore its potential.


Bitcoin Cash Upgrade Unleashes Token Frenzy and Infrastructure Support

As of May 15, 2023, Bitcoin Cash advocates have unlocked a new realm of possibilities with the highly anticipated annual upgrade. Ahora, they have the power to mint and engage in transactions involving tokens built on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. los Cashtokens development allows token creation and transactions to be verified by the BCH la red, running alongside traditional financial activities.

Several wallets compatible with BCH have already embraced the Cashtokens infrastructure, and crypto enthusiasts can select a Cashtokens-focused wallet through the web portal Blockchair’s lead developer, Nikita Zhavoronkov, recently shared the experience of jumping into the realm of Cashtokens. en un tweet, Zhavoronkov expressed enthusiasm, stating that “playing with Cashtokens for the last day” has been nothing short of captivating.

Cashtokens Take Center Stage Following Bitcoin Cash Upgrade: Over 26,000 Tokens Created
The number of fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens minted on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain, according to the explorer on May 16, 2023, a 1:30 pm. Eastern Time.

Zhavoronkov emphasized the superior efficiency of BCH-native tokens compared to contracts built atop other blockchains, citing reduced fees as a significant advantage. Sin embargo, the developer also highlighted a fundamental difference when working with Cashtokens, urging developers to discard their preconceived notions about Ethereum’s ERC20s.

“Unlike with ERC-20 and ERC-721, it’s possible to send both [fichas fungibles] and some NFTs within a single output,” Zhavoronkov stated. The Blockchair developer’s thread added:

There are no ‘contracts,’ token ids are now called ‘categories.’ The transfer structure follows the UTXO model. For token details, it’s proposed to have the Metadata Registry.

Zhavoronkov also recommended la BCH community embark on an exploration of Cashtokens with the explorer. The developer said: “It’s super fast, adless (no more “double your bitcoins” ads), private, open-source, and with lots of pro features for devs [y] analysts.” Complementing the explorer, users can also harness the explorer to delve into the realm of Cashtokens and explore associated transactions.

Ever since the upgrade took effect at block height 792,772, Bitcoin Cash users have been enthusiastically minting Cashtokens. De acuerdo a Estadísticas provided by the explorer, 1,308 fichas fungibles y 25,336 fichas no fungibles (NFT) have sprung to life within the last 24 horas, marking a surge in token creation on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

Etiquetas en esta historia
26000 fichas, Red CIISB, efectivo bitcoin, Exploradores de cadenas de bloques, actualización de cadena de bloques, fichas de efectivo, carteras de criptomonedas, DeFi, conocimientos del desarrollador, FTS, fichas fungibles, NFT, Fichas no fungibles, Fichas no fungibles (NFT), Creación de fichas, ecosistema de fichas, fichas

What are your thoughts on the exponential growth of Cashtokens and their impact on the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem? Share your insights and token creation experiences in the comments section below.

jamie redman

Jamie Redman es el líder de noticias en News y un periodista de tecnología financiera que vive en Florida.. Redman ha sido un miembro activo de la comunidad de criptomonedas desde 2011. Él tiene una pasión por Bitcoin., código fuente abierto, y aplicaciones descentralizadas. Desde septiembre 2015, Redman ha escrito más de 7,000 artículos para Noticias sobre los protocolos disruptivos que surgen hoy.

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