Solana sufre explotación — Cerca de 8,000 Las billeteras basadas en SOL se han visto comprometidas

The Solana smart contract project is suffering from issues once again after it was discovered that close to 8,000 Solana-based wallets have been compromised. Solana is asking victimized wallet owners to complete a survey and the team stressed thatengineers are

Solana detiene la producción de bloques, A los validadores se les dijo que se prepararan para un reinicio, Critican descentralización de red

En Junio 1, 2022, the Solana network halted block production again as the blockchain network has stopped working a number of times during the networks lifetime. According to the Solana status update, validator operators are being asked to prepare for a

Bank of Russia Rejects Provision of Crypto-Related Financial Services

Rusia’s central bank has voiced opposition to the provision of financial services related to cryptocurrencies. The monetary authority believes such offerings would go against the interests of Russian investors as they are highly risky. Central Bank of Russia Unwilling to Allow