Colombia planea lanzar moneda digital para reducir evasión fiscal

The government of Colombia revealed it has plans to launch a digital currency. One of the purposes of this new currency would be to curb tax evasion and enhance the traceability of transactions made by citizens. The proposed measure would also

El recauchutador de neumáticos líder en Europa, Vaculug, aceptará criptopagos

Vaculug, a British company that brands itself as Europes largest independent tire retreader, will now accept cryptocurrencies for its products and services. Its management says the business must move with the times and offer customers more options than pounds and pence….

Las tarjetas de crédito no deben usarse para transacciones criptográficas, Dice el organismo de control financiero de Taiwán

El regulador financiero de Taiwán ha pedido a los bancos locales que no permitan el uso de tarjetas para pagos en transacciones que involucren criptomonedas, medios locales revelaron. La autoridad dice que estos activos son riesgosos y que los flujos de efectivo asociados son difíciles de monitorear.. taiwanés…

Lagarde del BCE, Panetta ve el euro digital como un medio de pago más eficiente que las criptomonedas

Unbacked cryptocurrencies are not an efficient means of payment and stablecoins are vulnerable to runs, top officials at the European Central Bank have pointed out in a new article making the case for a digital euro. The executives have marked key

Picpay to Offer Cryptocurrency Services in Brazil to More Than 60 Million Customers

Picpay, one of the most popular payments fintech companies in Brazil, has announced that it will start including cryptocurrency services in its app. The company explained that these services will include the possibility of purchasing crypto and processing payments with crypto

Por poco 70,000 Binance Refugee Crypto Card emitida para ucranianos

Thousands of Ukrainians have ordered a crypto card issued by the worlds leading digital asset exchange, Binance, para sus usuarios del país devastado por la guerra. The card allows people displaced by the ongoing conflict with Russia to make payments and receive financial

Encuesta Deloitte: 85% de los comerciantes dicen que habilitar los pagos criptográficos es de alta prioridad

Una encuesta realizada por Deloitte en colaboración con PayPal encontró que más de 85% of merchantsare giving high or very high priority to enabling cryptocurrency payments.” Además, “nearly three-quarters of those surveyed reported plans to accept either cryptocurrency or stablecoin

Paypal actualiza el servicio de criptomonedas: ahora permite a los usuarios transferir criptomonedas a otras billeteras, Intercambios

Paypal has begun letting users transfer cryptocurrencies between its platform and other wallets and exchanges. “This feature has been consistently ranked by users as one of the most requested enhancements since we began offering the purchase of crypto on our platform,”…

Bitpay agrega Lightning Network, La marca de moda juvenil Pacsun aceptará pagos a través de Lightning

En abril 6, one of the largest cryptocurrency payment platforms in the world, bitpay, announced the Atlanta-based company has integrated bitcoin payments via the Lightning Network. According to the announcement on Wednesday, the youth-focused American retail clothing brand Pacific Sunwear (Pacsun)…

LeisurePay anuncia listados duales en Bitmart y Probit Global

PRESIONE SOLTAR. OcioPagar, un proveedor de soluciones de pago para comerciantes que utiliza tecnología blockchain y funciona con el único banco de propiedad totalmente negra en Estados Unidos, anuncia el debut en la cotización en bolsa de su token LPY. “Listado con un Top 20 Intercambio mundial en Probit Global, uno…