El Banco de Rusia realizará una prueba piloto de liquidaciones digitales en rublos en 2023

Rusia’La autoridad monetaria tiene la intención de realizar las primeras liquidaciones con el rublo digital el próximo año., su gobernador anunció esta semana. Hablando con los legisladores rusos, el funcionario destacó el importante papel que jugará la nueva moneda para Rusia bajo las sanciones….

Belarus Adopts Legal Procedure for Seizure of Illicit Cryptocurrency

Implementing a recently signed presidential decree, the government of Belarus has introduced a procedure allowing the state to seize digital currency holdings. The move will grant law enforcement authorities in Minsk powers to seize crypto assets linked to illegal activities. Justice

Republic of Ireland to Prohibit Political Cryptocurrency Donations

The government of Ireland is preparing to ban political parties from accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. The move aims to block the perceived threat of Russian interference in the European nations elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West

Draft Law Regulating Aspects of Crypto Taxation Submitted to Russian Parliament

A bill updating Russias tax law to incorporate provisions pertaining to cryptocurrencies has been filed with the State Duma, the lower house of parliament. The legislation is tailored to regulate the taxation of sales and profits in the countrys market for

El Ministerio de Finanzas de Rusia modifica el proyecto de ley sobre moneda digital,Agrega disposiciones sobre criptominería

El Ministerio de Finanzas de la Federación Rusa ha revisado un proyecto de ley diseñado para regular el país.’espacio criptográfico, introducción de disposiciones para la minería de criptomonedas. El proyecto de ley ha sido reenviado al gobierno y puede ser aprobado durante el parlamento.’s spring

Abjasia extiende la prohibición de criptominería hasta fin de año

Authorities in Abkhazia have decided to maintain a ban on cryptocurrency mining in the territory. The partially recognized republic in the South Caucasus is restricting the energy-intensive extraction of digital currencies, citing problems with power supply. Bitcoin Mining Remains Prohibited in

MiCA Amendments Proposed Last Minute Revive Threat of EU Ban on Bitcoin, Informe revela

Changes to the EUs MiCA proposal to regulate crypto markets, suggested shortly before a vote on the package, indicate a bitcoin ban is still a possibility. Despite recently removing wording that would have prohibited coins with energy-intensive mining, some members of

Russia’s Finance Ministry Submits Bill to Legalize Crypto Investments, Ban Payments

Russian Ministry of Finance has prepared and submitted a new bill to expand crypto regulations to the government. The law “Sobre la moneda digital” aims to introduce rules for investment in cryptocurrencies while at the same time cementing a ban on their

Russia Adopts Law Allowing State to Seize Illegal Funds, Digital Assets From Officials

The State Duma of Russia, the lower house of parliament, has passed a law permitting law enforcement authorities to seek confiscation of illegally obtained funds from government officials, incluyendo criptomoneda. The state may attempt to seize the assets through court if

Bielorrusia se mueve para permitir que los fondos de inversión adquieran criptoactivos

Bielorrusia, una nación amigable con las criptomonedas, se está preparando para permitir que los fondos de inversión pongan dinero en monedas digitales. Una propuesta para hacerlo es parte de un paquete de cambios legales necesarios diseñados para atraer tales instituciones al país.. Finance Ministry