La FDIC emite órdenes de cese y desistimiento relacionadas con criptomonedas para 5 Empresas que incluyen FTX US Exchange

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has sent a cease and desist letter to five companies, including crypto exchange FTX US. CEO Sam Bankman-Fried explained that FTX does not have FDIC insurance, declarando: “We never meant otherwise, and apologize if anyone

El índice Crypto Fear and Greed muestra que el sentimiento del mercado sigue siendo temeroso

Después del índice Crypto Fear and Greed (CFGI) cayó a mínimos significativos y apuntó a “miedo extremo” en los criptomercados a finales de mayo, y durante la mayor parte de junio, hoy la calificación CFGI todavía está en el “miedo” zona, pero…

El consumo de electricidad de los criptomineros rusos aumenta 20 Veces en 5 Años, Hallazgos de investigación

Power needs of cryptocurrency miners in Russia have grown significantly since 2017, with consumption of electrical energy seeing a 20-fold increase over the five-year period. En 2021, the minting of the coin with the largest market cap, bitcoin, required 1.25 gigawatts

Colombia planea lanzar moneda digital para reducir evasión fiscal

The government of Colombia revealed it has plans to launch a digital currency. One of the purposes of this new currency would be to curb tax evasion and enhance the traceability of transactions made by citizens. The proposed measure would also

Coin Center dice que la prohibición de efectivo Tornado de la OFAC "excede la autoridad legal",' Planes para 'comprometerse' con el organismo de control de EE. UU.

En Agosto 15, the non-profit that focuses on policy issues facing crypto assets, Coin Center, published a blog post that says the organization is looking at the legality of the recent Tornado Cash sanctions enforced by the U.S. Departamento de Tesorería’s Office

Terminaciones digitales Galaxy $1.2 Acuerdo de adquisición de mil millones de Bitgo, Criptoempresa aún planea cotizar en Nasdaq

Galaxy Digital Holdings and the companys CEO and founder Mike Novogratz announced the company hasexercised its right to terminatea previously announced acquisition of Bitgo. According to Galaxy the termination of the deal was due to Bitgo’s “failure to deliver”…

Gasto de $ 276 millones en Ether: ballena colosal de Ethereum que participó en las transferencias de Genesis ICO 145,000 ETH

After three years of dormancy, a massive ethereum whale that participated in the projects first token sale, also known as the Genesis initial coin offering (ICO), spent 145,000 ether worth just over $276 million using todays ethereum exchange rates. Mega Ethereum

El recauchutador de neumáticos líder en Europa, Vaculug, aceptará criptopagos

Vaculug, a British company that brands itself as Europes largest independent tire retreader, will now accept cryptocurrencies for its products and services. Its management says the business must move with the times and offer customers more options than pounds and pence….

Los mineros de PoW obtienen ganancias minando ETH hasta el final, Las redes Ethash esperan un impulso, Los estrategas de JPMorgan dicen que ETC podría beneficiarse

In just over a month’s tiempo, The Merge is likely to be implemented on the Ethereum blockchain and the networks proof-of-work (PoW) miners will be forced to mine another coin. Hasta aquí, it seems ethereum miners are sticking with the PoW

El Banco de Rusia tiene como objetivo el lanzamiento completo del rublo digital en 2024

The Central Bank of Russia plans to begin the comprehensive implementation of the digital ruble two years from now, according to a paper detailing its monetary policy priorities for the 2023 – 2025 period. As the development of the state-issued digital