El BIS publica un informe sobre el "Proyecto rompehielos": desarrolla un modelo de pago CBDC minorista transfronterizo

El Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BIS) ha publicado un informe que resume “Proyecto rompehielos” ensayo, que exploró las posibles ventajas y dificultades de utilizar una moneda digital minorista del banco central (CBDC) en pagos transfronterizos. El experimento fue diseñado para probar “la…

Davos 2023: Las CBDC son el futuro del dinero de los bancos centrales, pero aún no están listas

Un foro económico mundial (FEM) Un panel compuesto por banqueros centrales y proveedores de tecnología globales ha perfilado las monedas digitales de los bancos centrales. (CBDC) como el futuro del dinero del banco central, presentándolos como una de las soluciones a las limitaciones del sector de pagos…

Tasa de propiedad de criptomonedas de Sudáfrica en 10% - Reporte

With a cryptocurrency ownership rate of 10%, or four million people, South Africaranks 18th out of 26 countries for crypto adoption,” the latest Finders report has said. The report also noted that South Africas proportion of crypto owners holding bitcoin,…

La estrella de Shark Tank, Kevin O'Leary, compra Bitcoin Dip: dice que Crypto "necesita desesperadamente una política"

Tanque de tiburones estrella Kevin O’Leary, pero señor. Maravilloso, says he has bought the dip during the recent cryptocurrency market sell-off. agregó: “Now crypto itself desperately needs policy. It needs regulation.Kevin OLeary Buys the Dip, Comments on Bitcoin Price Kevin

Sweden Needs Power for More Useful Things Than Bitcoin Mining, Energy Minister Says

Concerned about projected increase in electricity demand, the government in Sweden may turn its back on crypto mining, the countrys energy minister has indicated. Swedish bitcoin minting industry, a leader in Europe, is likely to soon lose the preferential treatment it

Propuesta de prohibición de criptominería en Noruega no obtiene apoyo en el Parlamento

La mayoría de los legisladores ha rechazado un impulso para prohibir la minería de prueba de trabajo de criptomonedas que consume mucha energía en Noruega.. The ban had been suggested by the far-left Red Party which also didnt win backing to raise an electricity tax for

MiCA Amendments Proposed Last Minute Revive Threat of EU Ban on Bitcoin, Informe revela

Changes to the EUs MiCA proposal to regulate crypto markets, suggested shortly before a vote on the package, indicate a bitcoin ban is still a possibility. Despite recently removing wording that would have prohibited coins with energy-intensive mining, some members of

Crypto Exchange Binance Restricts 281 Nigerian Accounts — Some Requested by International Law Enforcement

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has restricted 281 Nigerian user accounts. Citing user security and fraud prevention, CEO Changpeng Zhao explained thatapproximately 38% of these cases [are] restricted at the request of international law enforcement.” 281 Nigerian Accounts Restricted by Binance, CEO

Regulator Reiterates Call for EU Ban on Proof-of-Work Mining

The EU should prohibit proof-of-work crypto mining, an executive at the European securities watchdog has insisted. Coins relying on the energy-intensive method of minting pose a risk to efforts aimed at meeting climate change goals such as those set in the