Russian Crypto Industry Queries Government About Proposed Criminal Liability for Miners

The organization representing Russia’s crypto sector has asked the government in Moscow to clarify a proposal to introduce criminal liability for “gray” miners. The draft legislation seeks to punish those who fail to report their income to the state and share

WEMIX Delisting: South Korean Crypto Exchange Upbit Accused of Instigating Token Removal

According to the CEO of Wemade, Henry Chang, the South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit was the brains behind the Digital Asset Exchange Joint Consultative Body (DAXA)’s decision to delist WEMIX. The Wemade CEO accused Upbit of applying different standards and of

Onchain Data Reveals Alameda Acquired Specific Tokens a Month Before FTX Listings

According to a report stemming from the blockchain analytics firm Argus, Sam Bankman-frito’s trading firm Alameda Research obtained tokens ahead of listings. The report claims that Alameda acquired roughly $60 million worth of tokens before the digital assets were scheduled

Troubled Crypto Exchange FTX Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection, CEO Steps Down

The embattled crypto exchange FTX has informed the public that the FTX parent firm West Realm Shires Services, Investigación de Alameda, and approximately 130 additional affiliated companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Delaware. FTX’s Parent Company, Investigación de Alameda, y…

La FDIC emite órdenes de cese y desistimiento relacionadas con criptomonedas para 5 Empresas que incluyen FTX US Exchange

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has sent a cease and desist letter to five companies, including crypto exchange FTX US. CEO Sam Bankman-Fried explained that FTX does not have FDIC insurance, declarando: “We never meant otherwise, and apologize if anyone

Lagarde del BCE, Panetta ve el euro digital como un medio de pago más eficiente que las criptomonedas

Unbacked cryptocurrencies are not an efficient means of payment and stablecoins are vulnerable to runs, top officials at the European Central Bank have pointed out in a new article making the case for a digital euro. The executives have marked key

República Centroafricana ha adoptado Bitcoin como moneda de referencia — Oficina de la Presidencia

Tras la confusión que rodeó los informes iniciales, un alto funcionario en la República Centroafricana (COCHE)’La presidencia de s ahora ha confirmado que bitcoin se convertirá en el país’moneda de referencia. First Country in Africa to Officially Adopt Bitcoin A press statement supposedly issued

El poder de elusión de sanciones de Crypto: Por qué la neutralidad de Bitcoin es su mayor activo humanitario

Redes descentralizadas como Bitcoin’s don’No conozco la lealtad nacional, solo saben matematicas. Y cuando tu’Estás intentando sacar tus ahorros de un cajero automático., o enviar un pago a familiares en un entorno devastado por la guerra, alguien más’La política es la última.…

Islamic Scholar Says Digital Currency is Not a ‘Fictitious Currency’

An Islamic scholar, Irshad Ahmad Ijaz, has asserted that digital currency is not fake currency and that it should be legitimized once certain conditions are met. Ijazs viewpoint is echoed by other scholars that attended a seminar examining the status of