Los deudores de FTX informan de un déficit de 8.900 millones de dólares en fondos de clientes y activos "altamente mezclados" en la última presentación

En marzo 2, 2023, Los deudores de FTX publicaron su segunda presentación para las partes interesadas, que contiene un análisis preliminar del ahora desaparecido intercambio de criptomonedas’s deficiencias. La última presentación revela un déficit significativo, como aproximadamente $2.2 mil millones de la empresa’Los activos totales se encontraron en…

Bitget Expands Innovation Zone With Priority Access to Exceptional Projects

PRESIONE SOLTAR. Victoria Seychelles, 2023 – Bitget, the leading global crypto derivative exchange, announces to add AI (Inteligencia artificial), Decisión, and NFT zone listings to its Innovation Zone for users who would like to expose their crypto portfolio to related tokens

Sequoia Capital Partner Believes Lots of VCs Will Pull Back From Crypto

Shaun Maguire, a crypto partner of Sequoia Capital, one of the venture capital firms most active when it comes to investments in the cryptocurrency space, issued its opinion on the future of many VCs investing in crypto. A él, many of

El presidente de Uzbekistán emite un decreto que regula las criptomonedas, Minería y Comercio

El gobierno de Uzbekistán se ha movido para expandir sus regulaciones criptográficas a través de un decreto firmado por el presidente Shavkat Mirziyoyev.. El documento proporciona definiciones para términos como criptoactivos., intercambio, y minería, y determina el principal organismo regulador de la industria. Agency

El Banco de Rusia quiere restringir las inversiones en criptomonedas bloqueando los pagos con tarjeta, Informe revela

The Central Bank of Russia is currently reviewing various ways to prevent Russians from investing in cryptocurrency. One the options on the table is to block card payments to certain recipients such as crypto exchanges, a media report has unveiled. A…

El Eurosistema aprueba un nuevo marco de supervisión de los criptoservicios

The monetary authority of the euro area, the Eurosystem, has introduced a new framework for overseeing electronic payments, including services related to crypto assets. The new set of rules will complement upcoming EU regulations for cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. ECB Aims for

BNY Mellon Urges Ireland to Adopt Crypto Rules Before EU Regulations, Informe revela

As authorities in the EU are still discussing union-wide cryptocurrency regulations, a major U.S. bank has reportedly lobbied the Irish government to adopt its own rules for the space. BNY Mellon launched its digital asset business in Ireland this year to

Bitcoin.com Wallet agrega DApp Gateway WalletConnect

The Bitcoin.com Team is excited to announce support for Ethereum-based DApps in the Bitcoin.com Wallet via WalletConnect. Earn interest on your cryptoassets, trade using decentralized exchanges, participate in NFT marketplaces and more. What is WalletConnect? WalletConnect is a bridge that securely

El regulador suizo aprueba el primer criptofondo: Asset Manager dice 'Es un logro excepcional'

Switzerlands Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has approved the first Swiss crypto fund. It is managed by asset manager Crypto Finance and custodied by Seba Bank. “For the first time, FINMA has approved a Swiss fund that invests primarily in cryptoassets,”…