Verdens største regionale organisation til at skifte til bosættelser i nationale valutaer

A China-led regional organization that covers more than half of Eurasia intends to transition to settlements in the currencies of its members. While the plan is to abandon the U.S. dollar in mutual payments, participating nations are yet to consider a

BIS udgiver rapport om 'Project Icebreaker' - udvikler grænseoverskridende detail CBDC betalingsmodel

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has released a report summarizing theProject Icebreakertrial, which explored the potential advantages and difficulties of utilizing a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) in cross-border payments. The experiment was designed to test “det…

Russiske it-firmaer lobbyer for kryptobetalinger i softwareeksport

Companies developing software solutions for foreign customers are urging Russian authorities to allow them to accept crypto payments. The proposal is part of a package of measures aimed at supporting IT exports suggested by an industry organization to the executive power

Ripple for at deltage i Digital Dollar Projects CBDC Sandbox Program

Den non-profit organisation, der fremmer skabelsen af ​​den digitale dollar, det digitale dollarprojekt, har annonceret lanceringen af ​​et sandkasseprogram for at kickstarte undersøgelsen af ​​de tekniske implementeringer af den påtænkte digitale valuta. The fintech firm Ripple is among