Unicef ​​modtager $2.5 Millioner i krypto til Ukraine fra Binance Charity Foundation

Binance Charity donerer $2.5 cryptocurrency for at støtte Unicefs humanitære indsats i Ukraine. Udmeldingen kommer, da det igangværende militære sammenstød med de invaderende russiske styrker bringer flere og flere børn i fare. Unicef to

Binance lancerer Bitfinity, et betalingsfirma, der målretter mod Web3-økonomien

Førende cryptocurrency-børs Binance har annonceret lanceringen af ​​sit eget betalingsbehandlingsfirma, Bitfinity. Bitfinity vil fungere som standard fiat-til-krypto-betalingsrampe for udvekslingen, såvel som for andre blockchains. Med denne lancering, Binance also targets the expanding

Crypto Exchange Binance slutter sig til Expert Center hos Russian Banks Association

Digital aktivudveksling Binance er blevet det første kryptofirma til at støtte sammenslutningen af ​​banker i Rusland i bestræbelser på at regulere landet’s voksende marked for kryptovaluta. The coin trading platform will also work with authorities in Moscow as they

Bitso udvider til Colombia midt i voksende kryptovalutaadoption i landet

Navn, en Mexico-baseret cryptocurrency-børs, udvider og styrker sit fremstød på det colombianske marked midt i den voksende interesse for disse nye teknologier i landet. Emilio Pardo er udnævnt som ny landechef, to debut the

Binance investerer $200 Million Into the Business Magazine og Digital Publisher Forbes

Reports indicate that the worlds largest cryptocurrency exchange by trade volume, Binance, has announced the crypto company has committed to investing $200 million into the American business magazine Forbes. The digital currency company Binance confirmed the $200 million stake into Forbes

Binance-begrænsninger for kryptoudveksling 281 Nigerianske konti - Nogle anmodet af international retshåndhævelse

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has restricted 281 Nigerian user accounts. Citing user security and fraud prevention, CEO Changpeng Zhao explained thatapproximately 38% of these cases [are] restricted at the request of international law enforcement.” 281 Nigerian Accounts Restricted by Binance, CEO

Binance bliver Blockchain- og kryptovaluta-industriens første til at slutte sig til National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA)

Binance, verdenen’s førende udbyder af blockchain og kryptovalutainfrastruktur, meddelte i dag, at de har tilsluttet sig National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), en nonprofit virksomhed fokuseret på at identificere, validerende, formildende, og neutralisering af cyberkriminalitetstrusler. Binance is the first organization from the

Dubai for at skabe kryptozone, Binance slutter sig til indsatsen

The Dubai World Trade Centre will become a comprehensive ecosystem for cryptocurrencies and providers of related services. The move is part of efforts to support new industries and the emirate intends to source help from crypto companies like Binance. Dubai World

100 Virksomheder undlader at opnå krypto-licenser i Singapore på grund af hård regulering

Mere end 100 companies that applied for a license to offer crypto services in Singapore have either been turned down or withdrawn their applications. “Cryptocurrencies could be abused for money laundering, terrorism financing, or proliferation financing due to the speed and