Bank of Russia ønsker at forbyde gensidige fonde fra at investere i kryptovaluta

Rusland’s central bank intends to prohibit mutual funds from acquiring crypto assets or related financial instruments. The proposal, which is in line with its hard line stance on decentralized digital money, comes after the regulator urged stock exchanges to avoid trading

Putin advarer om, at kryptovalutaer indebærer risici, Indrømmer, at de kan have fremtid

Russian President Vladimir Putin has again spoken about cryptocurrencies, noting thehigh risksassociated with the virtual assets. Imidlertid, the Russian leader has also acknowledged that digital currencies may have a future and its necessary to follow their development. Rusland’s Putin

af den digitale valutaøkonomi med $5 Milliard, af den digitale valutaøkonomi med

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto

Russiske embedsmænd tilbage idé om at anerkende kryptominearbejdere som iværksættere

Cryptocurrency mining should be recognized as an entrepreneurial activity under Russian law and taxed accordingly, representatives of key ministries in Moscow and the parliament have indicated. Officials believe the regulatory move would benefit both the state and the crypto industry. Russian

Russisk regering sporer kryptotransaktioner med hjælp fra antinarkotikaorganisationen

Russian institutions have responded to a call from а public movement for joint efforts to identify cryptocurrency transfers related to drug trade. The anti-drug organization, Stopnarkotik, recently asked the interior ministry and the central bank to investigate alleged connections between U.S.-sanctioned

Rusland overvejer delvist at erstatte dollarreserver med digitale aktiver i fremtiden

Amid ongoing sanctions, the government of Russia has been working to limit the countrys dependence on the U.S. dollar. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs now says its possible to partially replace the greenback in currency reserves and trade settlements with other

Moskva planlægger ikke at forbyde russere at købe krypto i udlandet

Rusland vil ikke følge Kina’s kursus og planlægger ikke at forbyde sine borgere at købe kryptokurrency på udenlandske børser, har en højtstående embedsmand oplyst. Russians will not be able to pay with digital coins in their own

Det russiske parlament skal overveje restriktioner for ikke-kvalificerede krypto-investorer

Cryptocurrency can be quite complicated for some and lawmakers in Russia think they need to contemplate restrictions for private investors. According to a high-ranking representative of the legislature, the Russian parliament needs to provide them withmaximum protectionagainst the risks….

Digital rubel for at hjælpe med at bremse brugen af ​​'pengesurrogater',' siger Rusland i et finansielt strategidokument

The launch of a digital ruble will be among Russias key priorities of digitalization this decade, the countrys financial market development strategy has confirmed. The document claims the issuance of a digital national fiat will help the central bank to prevent

Kryptominedrift bør registreres og beskattes i Rusland, Det siger formand for finansmarkedsudvalget

Cryptocurrency mining should be registered as entrepreneurial activity and taxed as such, ifølge Anatoly Aksakov, chairman of Russias parliamentary Financial Market Committee. The lawmaker also thinks Russian digital currency regulations need refinement. Amendments Likely to Affect Mining, Beskatning, Definition of