Rapport: Silicon Valley Bank under FDIC-auktion, efterhånden som opfordringerne til redningsaktion vokser

USA. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) begyndte en auktionsproces for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) sent lørdag aften, ifølge rapporter. Endelige bud indsendes søndag eftermiddag. Unavngivne kilder indikerer, at FDIC søger at lukke aftalen…

Putin advarer om, at kryptovalutaer indebærer risici, Indrømmer, at de kan have fremtid

Russian President Vladimir Putin has again spoken about cryptocurrencies, noting thehigh risksassociated with the virtual assets. Imidlertid, the Russian leader has also acknowledged that digital currencies may have a future and its necessary to follow their development. Rusland’s Putin