'Inflation i nyhederne drevet af rige mennesker' - Medieforstandere hævder 'inflation er god', da amerikanere kæmper med mindre købekraft

Inflationen i USA. har et stort antal amerikanere bekymret sig om fremtiden for deres købekraft, da prisen på varer og tjenesteydelser er blevet ved med at stige hurtigere hver måned. Rapporter bemærker, at amerikanerne kæmper for at betale for…

Russisk regering sporer kryptotransaktioner med hjælp fra antinarkotikaorganisationen

Russian institutions have responded to a call from а public movement for joint efforts to identify cryptocurrency transfers related to drug trade. The anti-drug organization, Stopnarkotik, recently asked the interior ministry and the central bank to investigate alleged connections between U.S.-sanctioned

Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers bliver betalt i Bitcoin, Giver væk $1 Millioner i BTC

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is taking a portion of his salary in bitcoin. He also gave away $1 million in the cryptocurrency to his fans in collaboration with Squares Cash App. “I believe in bitcoin,” han sagde, tilføjer det…

Tidligere leder af Wex Crypto Exchange angiveligt arresteret i Polen, Står over for udlevering til Kasakhstan

Dmitry Vasiliev, former chief executive of Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, has been detained in Warsaw, the Polish press reported. Vasiliev is wanted in Kazakhstan where he is accused of fraud related to the now defunct trading platform, successor of the infamous

Salvadoranske Revisionsret for at undersøge regeringens Bitcoin ATM-køb, Chivo Kiosk Construction

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (ATM) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption