Amerikanske senatorer arbejder på bredbaseret kryptoregulering

Two U.S. senators are working on a bipartisan, broad-based regulatory framework for cryptocurrency. “The work were doing is going to be a very complex and intensive review of the different aspects of this industry,” said one of the senators. US Senators

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin

Kosmos, Kosmos’Kosmos. During the signing ceremony for a bill focused on financial

Qatars centralbank studerer digitale banker og CBDC'er

Qatar Central Bank is presently examining the possibility of issuing a digital currency as well as digital bank licensing, an official has said. The official adds this study will help the central bank get an understanding of what its area of

Kenyanske centralbankdokument diskuterer fordele og risici fra CBDC - offentligt bedt om at kommentere

Kenyas central bank has acknowledged in a recently released document that a central bank digital currency could potentially benefit the countrys financial system. Banken, imidlertid, warned that rolling out a CBDC could also pose risks to the same. CBDC’s Impact

Ripple Scores $15 Milliardvurdering - CEO siger, at den finansielle stilling er stærkeste nogensinde på trods af SEC-retssag over XRP

Ripple has bought back shares from its Series C funding round, which raised the companys valuation to $15 milliard, according to CEO Brad Garlinghouse. He added that despite the lawsuit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) over the status

Iran skal pilotere 'national kryptovaluta,' Overvejer Blockchain Tech for aktiemarkedet

Irans centralbank planlægger snart at lancere pilotfasen af ​​sit digitale valutaprojekt, en embedsmand afsløret. The Islamic Republic hopes to a join a growing club of nations that want to take advantage of having a sovereign

Frankrigs centralbanker, Schweiz og BIS fuldfører grænseoverskridende CBDC-forsøg

Bank of France, den schweiziske nationalbank (SNB), og Bank for International Settlements har med succes testet anvendelsen af ​​engros centralbanks digital valuta ved grænseoverskridende betalinger. The project used distributed ledger technology and was realized with help from private

Bank of Englands Cunliffe: Krypto-trussel mod finansiel stabilitet 'Kommer tættere' - opfordrer tilsynsmyndigheder til at handle nu

Bank of England’s deputy governor for financial stability, Sir Jon Cunliffe, has warned that cryptocurrency is getting closer to posing a threat to global financial stability due to the sectors rapid growth. Crypto is also being integrated into the traditional financial

Nigerias præsident Muhammadu Buhari vil afsløre landets CBDC

The Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari, is expected to formally launch the country’s centralbanks digitale valuta (CBDC) den oktober 25, 2021. High-Level Endorsement of the CBDC According to a statement released by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the formal event

Australien har brug for regler for at lette kryptoforretning, Senatets udvalgsrapporter

Et senatudvalg i Australien har fremsat en række forslag for at løse manglen på ordentlige regler for kryptokurrencyområdet. The lawmakers believe the country needs new rules for its fintech and digital asset industries to be able to