Tidligere FTX CEO søger $10M forsikringsfond til juridisk forsvar, Anmodning modarbejdet af FTX-debitorer og usikrede kreditorer

Court filings reveal that the FTX co-founder is seeking access to a $10 million insurance plan to cover his attorney fees. FTX debtors and unsecured creditors have opposed Sam Bankman-Fried’s request, arguing that every dollar spent on his defense isone

Bitcoin-millionær Tim Draper råder startups til at holde Bitcoin som en sikring mod et "Domino"-løb på bankerne

Tim Draper, a venture capitalist and bitcoin millionaire, has included bitcoin as part of a series of cash management recommendations offered to startup founders. Draper recommended having at least two payrolls worth of cash in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to avoid

SEC i en pickle: Cryptos Tricky Trio skaber problemer 2023

2023 is shaping up to be a painful year for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) as it finds itself entangled in battles with the ever-evolving and innovative cryptocurrency industry. From Ripple to Coinbase and Tron, the SEC faces fierce

'Fiat er skrøbelig' - Silicon Valley Banks kollaps giver fingerpeg og bekymringer for smitte

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) er blevet centrum for opmærksomheden, efter dets sammenbrud fik U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) at lukke banken fredag. Det var den største U.S. bankkonkurs siden 2008, og forskellige påståede katalysatorer…

Fed Chair Powell om Crypto: Vi ser uro, Svig, Mangel på gennemsigtighed, Løb risiko

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has outlined several risks related to crypto activities during a hearing before the Senate Committee on Banking, Boliger, and Urban Affairs. While stating that the Fed sees turmoil, fraud, a lack of transparency, and run risk

Pakistanske banker bruger Blockchain-teknologi til KYC

Banks in Pakistan plan to launch an electronic platform for know-your-customer procedures that will be operating on a national level. The blockchain-based system will allow them to exchange the personal information of customers through what they describe as a decentralized and

Keanu Reeves siger, at afvisning af krypto kun vil gøre det bedre

Famous actor Keanu Reeves says dismissing crypto or criticizing its volatility will onlymake it better in terms of how it’s safeguarded.The Matrix star added that the principle and ideas behind an independent currency areamazing.” Keanu Reeves roser Crypto…

Berkshires Charlie Munger siger 'latterligt', at enhver ville købe krypto - 'Det er en absolut rædsel'

Warren Buffett’s right-hand man and the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, says people who oppose banning cryptocurrencies areidiots,” adding that it’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “just ridiculousanybody would buy crypto. He also likened replacing national currencies to replacing air, stating that

Kun 4% af virksomheder i Spanien er flyttet til at tilbyde tjenester i metaverset

Kun 4% of the companies in Spain have managed to apply the metaverse to their operations, according to a survey conducted by ISDI, a national business school. 40% of the business managers surveyed have admitted that it is difficult for them

Brasilianere vil være i stand til at betale skat med krypto

Brazilians will now be able to pay part of their state taxes using cryptocurrencies. Banco do Brazil, a mixed ownership bank, is launching the option of paying a set of taxes with crypto, using Bitfy, a Brazilian cryptocurrency startup, as a