Kun 4% af virksomheder i Spanien er flyttet til at tilbyde tjenester i metaverset

Kun 4% of the companies in Spain have managed to apply the metaverse to their operations, according to a survey conducted by ISDI, a national business school. 40% of the business managers surveyed have admitted that it is difficult for them

Den Europæiske Union sætter en grænse på 10.000 euro for kontantbetalinger; Transaktioner over €1.000 i Crypto vil blive undersøgt

The states of the European Union have convened to establish a new limit on cash purchases and to strengthen the controls on cryptocurrency transactions. Den nov. 6 the bloc agreed to put a limit of €10,000 ($10,557) on cash payments and

Dapper Labs og Spanish Soccer League Laliga lancerer mindeværdige øjeblikke NFT-platformen Laliga Golazos

Laliga, the premier soccer league organization in Spain, has announced the launch date of Laliga Golazos, a memorable moment NFT (ikke-fungibel token) platform. Platformen, built in partnership with Dapper Labs, will allow users to purchase NFTs with videos of the

Spanish Soccer League Laliga samarbejder med Globant for at støtte nye Web3- og Metaverse-initiativer

Laliga, the premier soccer league organization in Spain, has announced a partnership with Globant, an Argentine software giant, to bring Web3 and metaverse experiences to its fans. The partnership will combine Globants tech resources with Laligas tech division in order to

Binance får VASP-licens fra Bank of Spain

Binance, one of the largest crypto exchanges worldwide, has secured a license from the Bank of Spain that will let the exchange operate in compliance with the local laws. This certification means that the exchange is currently complying with its AML/KYC

Bank of Spain advarer om risikoen for udvidet brug af uregulerede kryptovalutaer i landet

Vicedirektøren for den spanske centralbank, Margaret Slim, gav sin mening om kryptovalutaer, og hvordan de øger risiciene i dag’s økonomi. Ved et arrangement afholdt af PWC ringede “Et klima af forandring,” Delgado explained that the continued

Revolut lancerer banktjenester i Spanien med indskudsforsikring

Revol, en førende fintech-platform og neobank, har modtaget en særlig banklicens til at drive virksomhed i Spanien. Brugerindskud er nu forsikret op til €100K, hvor dækningen ydes af Indskuds- og investeringsforsikring, et litauisk statsselskab. Virksomheden,…