Amerikanske inflationsforventninger højeste siden 2013, Gaspriserne skyder i vejret, Supply Chains Spænde

Amerikanerne er stadig bekymrede for at håndtere inflationen, da prisen på varer og tjenesteydelser er fortsat med at stige markant på kort tid. Federal Reserve har offentliggjort den seneste Survey of Consumer Expectations-rapport og U.S. husstande…

Salvadoras præsident Nayib Bukele siger, at borgere, der betaler for gas med Chivo-pungen, vil få rabat

The Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukele revealed on Friday that Chivo wallet users will be able to get a discount on petroleum fill-ups at the largest gas stations in the country. Chivo wallet users paying for fuel will save $0.20 per gallon…

Axie Infinity-medstifter siger, at Blockchain-spil planlægger at lancere en decentraliseret udveksling

Sky Mavis, the team that created the Ethereum-powered non-fungible token (NFT) game Axie Infinity, revealed the project plans to launch a decentralized exchange (dex), according to the companys co-founder Jeff Zirlin during a podcast with Frank Chaparro. i øvrigt, Axie Infinity recently

IMF advarer om, at kryptoboom udgør nye udfordringer for finansiel stabilitet, Opfordrer tilsynsmyndighederne til at træde op

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies poses new challenges to financial stability. “Cryptoization can reduce the ability of central banks to effectively implement monetary policy. It could also create financial stability risks.IMF Sees New

Undersøgelse viser 64% af briter mener, at krypto ikke er en sikker investering,' Respondenter tror, ​​at Ethereum er et stof, Cardano er ost

Mens der’s a lot of hype surrounding digital currencies like bitcoin, a great number of people are still confused by the crypto economy and the myriad crypto assets that exist. One study shows that some people think Ethereum is a drug,…

London College-studerende røvet ved Knifepoint af 8 Bøller for $93K i Bitcoin

Recently a student from the University of Kent in London was robbed at knifepoint for his bitcoin. After eight thugs stormed his dorm room and demanded that he reveal his crypto credentials and passwords, the student was forced to leave the

Kinas kryptoindgreb: Fundamentals viser stadig Bull Market-fortsættelse, Bobby Lee siger 'Don't Panic'

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the country’s centralbank, published a Q&A to its website which said that Chinese citizens participating in virtual currency exchange offshore isconsidered illegal financial activity.The PBOC also reiterated comments it had made in

Iranske lovgivere er imod kryptorestriktioner, Ring for støttebestemmelser

Members of the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, have voiced concerns over Tehrans restrictive policies towards innovations such as cryptocurrencies. Following the release of a study recommending a new approach towards the crypto industry, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of

Dette Crowdsource-projekt forsøger at afsløre amerikanske politikere, der ejer Bitcoin

Den september 19, 2021, the software developer and cofounder of Casa, Jameson Lopp, announced a new project called which sifts through Congressional financial disclosures and records them into a database. Lopp says the aim is to createmore transparency around