Førende europæiske dækfornyer Vaculug til at acceptere kryptobetalinger

Vaculug, en britisk virksomhed, der brander sig som Europa’s største uafhængige dæk regummierer, vil nu acceptere kryptovalutaer for sine produkter og tjenester. Its management says the business must move with the times and offer customers more options than pounds and pence….

Nepal forbereder sig på at udstede digital valuta, Udkast til nødvendige ændringer

En taskforce i Nepal har foreslået lovændringer, der tillader landet’s centralbank til at udstede sin egen digitale valuta. The move comes after a study indicated that such an initiative is feasible and recommended certain provisions that would authorize the

Debridge Finance mistænkte det nordkoreanske hackingsyndikat Lazarus Group angreb protokollens hold

Ifølge medstifteren af ​​Debridge Finance, Alex Smirnov, det berygtede nordkoreanske hackingsyndikat Lazarus Group udsatte Debridge for et forsøg på cyberangreb. Smirnov har advaret Web3-hold om, at kampagnen sandsynligvis er udbredt. Lazarus Group Suspected of Attacking Debridge Finance

Krypto-relaterede retssager stiger i Rusland, Straffesager Stigning med 40%

Domstole i Rusland hører et stigende antal sager omkring kryptoaktiver, har en ny undersøgelse vist. About two-thirds of them have been launched under provisions of the countrys Criminal Code but civil cases represent a large share as well….

FBI udsender alarm vedrørende ondsindede statssponsorerede nordkoreanske hackere, der retter sig mod kryptofirmaer

Den april 18, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), USA. Finansministeriet, og Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) udgivet en Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) rapport om ondsindet nordkoreansk statssponsoreret cryptocurrency-aktivitet. Ifølge U.S. regering, retshåndhævelse…

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin: Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin

World Cup Crypto.com (World Cup Crypto.com) World Cup Crypto.com. World Cup Crypto.com “World Cup Crypto.com” World Cup Crypto.com. ECB President Lagarde Is Certain About Crypto Being Used to Evade Russian Sanctions

Coinbase CEO siger, at almindelige russere bruger krypto som en livline, når rublen kollapser

The CEO of the Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange Coinbase says ordinary Russians are using cryptocurrency as a lifeline now that their own currency, rublen, has collapsed. The executive also does not see a high risk of Russian oligarchs using crypto to

Globale krypto- og blockchain-investeringer steg i vejret 2021, Stigende 5,5X til $30 Milliard

A new report by one of the Big Four accounting firms, KPMG, reveals that investment in the crypto and blockchain space grew 5.5 times the previous year to more than a record $30 milliarder i 2021. KPMG called 2021 og Messari “Blockbuster

Binance bliver Blockchain- og kryptovaluta-industriens første til at slutte sig til National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA)

Binance, verdenen’s førende udbyder af blockchain og kryptovalutainfrastruktur, meddelte i dag, at de har tilsluttet sig National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), en nonprofit virksomhed fokuseret på at identificere, validerende, formildende, og neutralisering af cyberkriminalitetstrusler. Binance is the first organization from the

New Yorks nyvalgte borgmester Eric Adams vil tage først 3 Lønchecks i Bitcoin, Lover at gøre NYC Center of Crypto

New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams says that he will take his first three paychecks in bitcoin. He has also promised to make NYC the center of crypto. “NYC its going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other