FBI udsender alarm vedrørende ondsindede statssponsorerede nordkoreanske hackere, der retter sig mod kryptofirmaer

Den april 18, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), USA. Finansministeriet, og Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) udgivet en Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) rapport om ondsindet nordkoreansk statssponsoreret cryptocurrency-aktivitet. Ifølge U.S. regering, retshåndhævelse…

ETH Mixer Tornado Cash afslører blokering af OFAC-sanktionerede Ethereum-adresser via Chainalysis Oracle-kontrakt

According to the project’s officielle Twitter-konto, Tornado Cash, the ethereum mixing service that allows participants to shuffle ether, is blocking flagged ethereum addresses listed on the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons list (SDN)….