ETH Mixer Tornado Cash afslører blokering af OFAC-sanktionerede Ethereum-adresser via Chainalysis Oracle-kontrakt

According to the project’s officielle Twitter-konto, Tornado Cash, the ethereum mixing service that allows participants to shuffle ether, is blocking flagged ethereum addresses listed on the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons list (SDN)….

Teslas Elon Musk tilbyder at købe Twitter for $41 Milliard, Siger, at han vil gøre det til et privat firma

Tesla-milliardæren Elon Musk har tilbudt at købe Twitter for $41.4 milliard, ifølge en Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) arkiv offentliggjort torsdag. Musk also explained in his note that he believes Twitter should be a private company and he

Rapport: Feds hemmelige repolån til megabanker i 2020 Formørket 2008 Bailouts, Data Dump viser $48 Trillioner i stealth-finansiering

Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) i 2008, reports show in late 2019 og 2020, USA. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. I slutningen af ​​marts,…

Mozilla genindsætter kryptodonationer - Organisationen vil ikke acceptere proof-of-work kryptovalutaer

I den første uge af januar, softwarefællesskabet Mozilla afslørede, at det satte cryptocurrency-donationer på pause efter at have citeret miljøhensyn. 14 uger senere, Mozilla besluttede i sidste uge, at de vil acceptere kryptodonationer igen, but only from digital assets that leverage a

Billion Dollar Bitcoin-retssagsdom appelleret - selvudråbt Bitcoin-opfinder forventer en sejr

The law firm representing Ira Kleiman has sent a notice of appeal to the Florida District Court in an attempt to appeal the courts rejection of a Kleiman v. Wright retrial. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright, was cleared of all

Bank of Spain minder om, at offentlige køb af kryptovalutaer kan blokeres i visse tilfælde

The Spanish central bank, Bank of Spain, has warned users about certain actions banks can take if they detect cryptocurrency purchases. In a post published on its web page, the institution explains that traditional banks have the ability to block these

Mexicos tredje rigeste milliardær advarer om alvorlig dollarinflation - siger Køb Bitcoin for at 'redde din hud'

The third-richest billionaire in Mexico, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, has shared his experience of living through hyperinflation. He warned that the U.S. and several other civilized countries aregoing exactly the same routehis country went through in the 1980s. Mexican Billionaire

De uhyggelige ligheder mellem dagens store monetære skift og den panikledede oprettelse af Federal Reserve System

Mens mange amerikanere tror, ​​at U.S. Federal Reserve er landets vicevært’s monetære system, det menes også at være en af ​​de værste finansielle institutioner, der nogensinde er skabt. I 2022, midt i en dyster økonomi, krig, and a number of global

Northern Datas Bitcoin Mining Fleet tilføjer 21,000 ASIC rigge, Firmaet besidder 168 millioner dollars i kryptoaktiver

Den april 4, the bitcoin mining operation Northern Data published its financial statements and noted that the companys mining fleet had grown by approximately 21,000 machines by the end of March 2022. The newly added machines increased the companys hashrate from

Seneste meningsmåling foreslår 21% af amerikanere har dyttet i krypto

En nylig meningsmåling foretaget af NBC News viser, at hver femte amerikaner har brugt kryptovalutaer ved enten at investere eller handle med digitale aktiver. Resultaterne tyder på, at kryptoaktiver fortsætter med at blive mere populære som 21% af 1,000 participants surveyed