USA's finansminister Yellen siger, at hun er i tvivl om, hvorvidt Fed skal udstede digital valuta

USA. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says that she has not made up her mind about whether the Fed should issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC). “There are some benefitsto a digital dollar, Yellen said, but noted that “der…

Mikrostrategi køber 7,002 Flere Bitcoins, Dyrkning af Crypto Stash til 121,044 BTC

Microstrategy har købt 7,002 flere bitcoins, vokser sit cryptocurrency stash til 121,044 mønter. Det siger administrerende direktør Michael Saylor, “Bitcoin er den eneste ejendom, du virkelig kan eje, samt den første teknologi, der er i stand til at give ejendomsrettigheder til alle på jorden.”…

'Inflation i nyhederne drevet af rige mennesker' - Medieforstandere hævder 'inflation er god', da amerikanere kæmper med mindre købekraft

Inflationen i USA. har et stort antal amerikanere bekymret sig om fremtiden for deres købekraft, da prisen på varer og tjenesteydelser er blevet ved med at stige hurtigere hver måned. Rapporter bemærker, at amerikanerne kæmper for at betale for…

USA's præsident Biden nærmer sig beslutningen om at vælge Fed-stolen - rapporter tyder på kastespil mellem Powell og Brainard

Following the passing of the Biden administrations infrastructure bill, USA. president appears to be nearing his decision on whether or not he will reappoint Jerome Powell, the current Federal Reserve Board chairperson. According to a few reports Powell may be

Ripple lancerer Liquidity Hub trods SEC-retssag over XRP

Amid an ongoing lawsuit with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) over XRP, Ripple is launching a new product, Liquidity Hub, which aims to bea one-stop shop for enterprises to source any tokenized asset.The productwill allow customers

Kongrespas $1.2 Billion Billion Infrastructure Bill — Crypto Advocates kritiserer ændret mæglerdefinition, Skattekode 6050I

Congress has passed the Biden administrations bill aimed at improving infrastructure, fighting climate change, and bolstering social services. Det $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which also expands the definition of a broker, awaits U.S. president Joe Bidens signature after passing with a

Russisk regering sporer kryptotransaktioner med hjælp fra antinarkotikaorganisationen

Russian institutions have responded to a call from а public movement for joint efforts to identify cryptocurrency transfers related to drug trade. The anti-drug organization, Stopnarkotik, recently asked the interior ministry and the central bank to investigate alleged connections between U.S.-sanctioned

Ukraines sikkerhedstjeneste stopper kriminel gruppe, der sælger Bitcoin-Stjæle Malware

Law enforcement authorities in Ukraine have exposed a crime ring specializing in cryptocurrency theft and laundering of illicit funds for hackers. The gang, which provided services to clients on the darknet, has been dismantled as a result of a joint operation

Mexicos præsident nægter at have interesse i at adoptere Bitcoin som lovligt betalingsmiddel

The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, denied having any interest in adopting cryptocurrencies as legal tender in the country. The statements, offered in a press conference in the National Palace this week, also confirmed that the Mexican government will

ETC Group frigiver Bitcoin Cash Report, der roser høj brug og levende udvikling

ETC Group, et ETF -udstederfirma, udgav en rapport i sidste måned om udviklingen af ​​Bitcoin Cash i årene efter den hårde gaffel, der skabte den. Mens virksomheden erkendte, at aktivprisen halter i forhold til sin ældre søskende,…