Forskningsfirma forudsiger, at Bitcoin vil ramme $200.000 i anden halvdel af 2022, ETH når $12K

This week in a note to investors, Fsinsight, a Fundstrat company, said bitcoin could reach $200,000 during the second half of the year. In the investors note, Fsinsights head of digital asset strategy, Sean Farrell, said the parabolic growth would be

Kryptobrugere og -udvekslinger skal nu rapportere transaktioner i Colombia

The Colombian government has issued new regulations that force exchanges and individuals to report cryptocurrency transactions to the UIAF, the anti-money laundering watchdog in Colombia. The transactions must be reported via an online reporting system, and exchanges will be required to

Carl Icahn krypto: Solana Surges 15%, da Loopring Prisen falder

Solana was trading close to 15% higher on Tuesday, as crypto markets were mostly in the green to start February. This comes as markets look set to move past Januarys red wave. Biggest gainers Cryptocurrency markets were mostly bullish during Tuesday’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…

Visa-partnere med over 65 Krypto-platforme — Brug af krypto-linkede kort stiger i vejret på trods af prisvolatilitet

Visa has now partnered with more than 65 crypto platforms and exchanges. Ud over, the payments giant revealed that crypto-linked card usage exceeded $2.5 billion in the first fiscal quarter, “which is already 70% of the payments volume for all of

Verdens største Asset Manager Blackrock Files for Blockchain Tech ETF

The New York-based multinational investment management corporation Blackrock has filed an application with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) for a blockchain tech exchange-traded fund (ETF). The Ishares blockchain tech ETF aims to track the Intercontinental Exchange (IS) index called the

Mens BTC's pris gled lavere, en minearbejder brugte en 11-årig blokbelønning fra 2010 Værd 1,8 mio

Following the large string of block rewards from 2010 spent in November 2021, no block rewards from that year were discovered in December and throughout the next month up until January 21. På fredag, an 11-year-old block reward originally mined on

Disse er kryptoøkonomiens 10 De dyreste aktiver pr. enhed i 2022

Meget har ændret sig med hensyn til priserne på forskellige kryptoaktiver hele vejen igennem 2021, som i dag’s bedste kryptoaktiver ser meget anderledes ud, end de gjorde 12 måneder siden. i øvrigt, de mest værdifulde kryptovalutaer i form af U.S. dollars pr…

Konamis Castlevania Anniversary NFT-udsalg rejser over $160.000

Konami, a Japanese game developer and software publisher, raised more than $160K in its first foray into the non-fungible token (NFT) scene. This was the result of an NFT auction related to the 35th anniversary of Castlevania, one of its most

Jack Dorseys betalingsfirma 'bygger officielt et åbent Bitcoin-minesystem'

In mid-October 2021, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey revealed the payments firm Block Inc. (formally Square) was considering joining the bitcoin mining industry. Three months later, Dorsey tweeted that his firm wasofficially building an open bitcoin mining system.The Blocks Hardware

Pakistan søger at blokere websteder, der handler med kryptovaluta: Rapport

Pakistans Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) is reportedly seeking to block websites dealing in cryptocurrency. The decision followed a meeting the agency had with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) which recently recommended a complete ban on crypto. Pakistans FIA Reportedly Seeks