Bitcoin-netværk overvældet af 390,000 Ubekræftede transaktioner og stigende gebyrer

Om knap to uger, antallet af ubekræftede transaktioner på Bitcoin-netværket er skudt i vejret fra 134,000 til over 390,000, forårsager en flaskehals i mempoolen. Denne stigning i ubekræftede transaktioner har resulteret i en svimlende 343% increase in transaction

Meme Coin PEPE Surges af 152% Denne uge, Nu den femte-største meme-token efter markedsværdi

Pepe (PEPE), the meme coin featuring the popular character Pepe the Frog, has experienced a significant surge in value in the past week, rising by 152.9% mod U.S.A. dollar. Recent statistics indicate that PEPEs market capitalization has surged from $141

Binance fjerner angiveligt restriktioner for russiske brugere

Verdenen’s største kryptobørs, Binance, har ophævet visse restriktioner for russiske brugere, lokale kryptomedier afsløret. Ifølge flere rapporter, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on

Kina advarer om global finansiel ustabilitet fra amerikanske økonomiske politikker

China has urged the U.S. and other developed nations to assess the spillover effects of their economic and financial policies. “The economic and financial policies of the U.S. pose the biggest challenge to global financial stability,” according to the Chinese Ministry

Økonom og politolog tilbageviser påstande om US Dollars død på trods af tendensen til de-dollariseringsnyheder

Dette år, there has been a flurry of news reports and opinion editorials discussing an alleged de-dollarization trend amid a wave of disclosures associated with the BRICS bloc. In a recent article, the American political scientist and author Ian Bremmer insisted

Med Tæt på 10 Milliard Stablecoins indløst, BUSDs udbud falder til det laveste niveau siden april 2021

Statistics recorded on April 15, 2023, show that the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD dropped below the 7 billion range to 6.68 milliard, marking the lowest number of BUSD in circulation since April 2021. desuden, data indicates

Liquid Staking Protocols Se stigning i månedlige ETH-indskud på trods af udbetalinger Post-Shapella Hard Fork

Following the Shapella hard fork on April 12, 2023, approximately 332,368 æter, valued at around $699 million, has been withdrawn. Despite these withdrawals, liquid staking protocols like Lido, Rocketpool, and others have experienced an increase in ether deposits over the last

Ticketmaster lancerer NFT-Gated billetservice til Avenged Sevenfold Shows

Ticketmaster, the global provider of event ticketing services, has launchedtoken-gated sales,” allowing fans access to concert tickets using non-fungible token (NFT) teknologi. The first to use the service is the metal band Avenged Sevenfold (A7X), whoseDeathbats Club” NFT samling…

Bitcoin Hashrate når 400 Exahash per sekund, Forsker siger, at netværket kunne nå Zettahash-æraen ved 2025

Despite Bitcoins difficulty reaching an all-time high at 46.84 billioner, participants in bitcoin mining have kept the hashrate running stronger than ever before. Ifølge statistikker, marts 23, 2023, the hashrate reached a high of 400 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s)….

Den amerikanske regering forbliver en af ​​de bedste Bitcoin-indehavere med beslaglagt opbevaring til en værdi af $5.6 Milliard

Fra marts 25, 2023, USA. regeringen holdt 205,515 bitcoins værd $5.6 milliard, hvilket er ca 1.06% af den cirkulerende forsyning, ifølge aktuelle statistikker. Cachen af ​​bitcoins er et resultat af tre fortabelser, der begyndte i 2020. Glassnode’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…