Advokatfirmaets hvidbog hævder, at amerikanske bankregulatorer fører en 'hemmelig finanskrig' mod kryptovirksomheder

According to a recent white paper published by four members of the law firm Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, OS. bank regulators are attempting todrive crypto businesses out of the financial system.The paper, med titlen “Operation Chokepoint 2.0,claims that after

Unbanked og Mastercard-teamet op for at fremskynde brugen af ​​kryptokort i Web3-organisationer i Europa

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Today it was announced that Unbanked, the leading provider of white-label crypto card issuance and program management service for Web3 companies has partnered with Mastercard, to accelerate DeFi card issuance in Europe. Mastercard and Unbanked have already established a

For nylig underskrevet 2009 Bitcoin Block-belønning knyttet til Hal Finneys sæt af BTC-transaktioner

At the end of November, an unknown person signed a signature tied to an extremely old block reward mined on Jan. 19, 2009, and the user published a message and verified signature linked to the reward on the forum Det…

Onchain-data afslører, at Alameda erhvervede specifikke tokens en måned før FTX-noteringer

According to a report stemming from the blockchain analytics firm Argus, Sam Bankman-Fried’s trading firm Alameda Research obtained tokens ahead of listings. The report claims that Alameda acquired roughly $60 million worth of tokens before the digital assets were scheduled

Dapper Labs suspenderer NFT-operationer for russiske brugere på grund af nye EU-sanktioner

Det canadiske firma Dapper Labs har blokeret operationer med ikke-fungible tokens (NFT'er) for russiske konti. Tiltaget følger en ny runde af sanktioner, som EU for nylig har pålagt, og som forbyder levering af krypto-relaterede tjenester til russiske indbyggere og enheder. NFT platform…

Nicolas Maduro frister vesten med en overflod af olie og gas, Venezuelas præsident vil have sanktioner ophævet

Amid the economic rumblings across the world and the energy crisis in Europe, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has said his country is ready to step up and help with oil. Despite the fact that Venezuela has the largest supply of crude

Circle Partners With New York Community Bancorp — Bank to Custody USDC Reserves

Circle Internet Financial har afsløret et usd-møntdepot-partnerskab med det amerikanske bankholdingselskab New York Community Bancorp (NYCB). I henhold til aftalen, NYCB’s datterselskab, New York Community Bank, bliver depot for virksomheden’s stablecoin-reserver. Circle Partners

Den Centralafrikanske Republik har vedtaget Bitcoin som referencevaluta — Præsidentskabets kontor

Following the confusion that surrounded initial reports, a senior staffer in the Central African Republic (BIL)’s presidency has now confirmed that bitcoin will become the countrys reference currency. First Country in Africa to Officially Adopt Bitcoin A press statement supposedly issued

Indiens digitale valuta skal tage 'meget kalibreret, Gradueret tilgang, Siger RBI viceguvernør

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Viceguvernør T. Rabi Sankar har skitseret implikationerne af, at Indien udsteder en digital centralbankvaluta, den digitale rupee. ”Jeg tror, ​​at centralbankerne ville gøre det på en meget kalibreret måde, gradueret måde, assessing impact

Marathon udvider aftalen om udrulning af minearbejdere med Compute North, Sigter mod at forsyne 100.000+ minearbejdere med vedvarende energi

Marathon Digital Holdings, a Nasdaq-listed bitcoin mining-based company, has announced a new deal with Compute North, a data center service provider, to host more than 100,000 mining machines in its data centers. The deal is an expansion of an earlier deal