Arizona Senator lancerer lovforslag om at gøre Bitcoin lovligt betalingsmiddel

A senator in the U.S. state of Arizona has introduced a set of cryptocurrency bills, one of which seeks to make bitcoin legal tender. “Centralized digital money controlled by the central bankers is slavery. Decentralized bitcoin is freedom,” the lawmaker said….

Rapport: Den Centralafrikanske Republik anmoder om den regionale centralbanks bistand til at udarbejde kryptoregler

En ny rapport har hævdet Den Centralafrikanske Republik, som blev det første land i Afrika til at gøre bitcoin lovligt betalingsmiddel, for nylig anmodet den regionale centralbank’s bistand til at udvikle en lovgivningsramme for kryptovaluta. The report also said the CAR had

Rapport: IMF siger, at den Centralafrikanske Republiks Bitcoin-adoption udgør en risiko

The International Money Fund (IMF) has added its voice to institutions and parties criticizing the Central African Republic (BIL)’s decision to adopt bitcoin. The IMF insists the adoption poses legal economic challenges not only to the country but to the region

Den Centralafrikanske Republik har vedtaget Bitcoin som referencevaluta — Præsidentskabets kontor

Following the confusion that surrounded initial reports, a senior staffer in the Central African Republic (BIL)’s presidency has now confirmed that bitcoin will become the countrys reference currency. First Country in Africa to Officially Adopt Bitcoin A press statement supposedly issued

Fitch Ratings nedgraderer El Salvador dybere ind i junkstatus med henvisning til Bitcoin-risici

One of the largest rating agencies in the U.S., Fitch Ratings, has downgraded El Salvadors long-term default rating deeper into junk status, citing risks from adopting bitcoin as legal tender as a key reason. “The adoption of bitcoin as legal tender

El Salvador afviser IMFs opfordring til at opgive Bitcoin som lovligt betalingsmiddel

El Salvador has rejected the recommendation by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to drop bitcoin as legal tender. Landet’s finance minister reportedlyangrily” sagde, “No international organization is going to make us do anything, anything at all.El Salvador Says

Det fortæller IMF til El Salvador: Omkostningerne ved at få Bitcoin til at overstige de potentielle fordele

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has told El Salvador that the costs of implementing the countrys Bitcoin law, which makes the cryptocurrency legal tender, exceed the potential benefits. The IMF has also urged El Salvador to dissolve theFidebitcointrust fund

Devere Groups CEO forudsiger 3 Lande vil vedtage Bitcoin som lovligt betalingsmiddel i år

Administrerende direktør for finansiel rådgivnings- og kapitalforvaltningsfirmaet Devere Group har forudsagt, at tre lande vil vedtage bitcoin som lovligt betalingsmiddel i år. Han er mere bullish end El Salvador’s president who predicted that two countries will make bitcoin their

Bitcoin vil være lovligt betalingsmiddel i 2 Flere lande i år, El Salvadors præsident forudsiger

Frelseren’s president has made six predictions relating to bitcoin for 2022. He expects two more countries to adopt bitcoin as legal tender this year. I mellemtiden, he expects El Salvadors Bitcoin City to commence construction during the year and his country’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…

61% af amerikanske voksne modsætter sig ikke Bitcoin som juridisk bud, Undersøgelse viser

Efter El Salvador gjorde bitcoin lovligt betalingsmiddel, der blev foretaget en undersøgelse for at fastslå, om U.S. voksne støtter eller modsætter sig et lignende træk i USA. Blandt 4,912 voksne, der deltog, 61% modsatte sig ikke. Majority of Adults in US Do Not