Rusland og Tyrkiet skal samarbejde om bekæmpelse af kriminalitetsrelaterede kryptotransaktioner

Law enforcement and judicial authorities from Russia and Turkey are joining forces in the fight against cybercrime, including the use of cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes. The collaboration has been agreed upon during a visit by Russia’s Prosecutor General to Ankara. Rusland,…

Marathon sikrer 254 Megawatt til Bolster Company's 2023 Bitcoin-minemål

The bitcoin mining operation Marathon has announced the company has secured 254 megawatts of new hosting deals with the option to increase to 324 megawatt (MW). Marathon’s latest expansion deals should support the bitcoin mining firms intended goal of securing approximately

Tether likviderer Celsius Bitcoin-lån - 'Positionen er blevet likvideret uden tab' til virksomheden

i juli 8, 2022, virksomheden bag den største stablecoin i verden, Tether, afslørede, at firmaet likviderede et lån til kryptolångiveren Celsius, og den medførte likvidation “ingen tab til Tether.” Ifølge stablecoin-udstederen, det…

Marathon udvider aftalen om udrulning af minearbejdere med Compute North, Sigter mod at forsyne 100.000+ minearbejdere med vedvarende energi

Marathon Digital Holdings, a Nasdaq-listed bitcoin mining-based company, has announced a new deal with Compute North, a data center service provider, to host more than 100,000 mining machines in its data centers. The deal is an expansion of an earlier deal