Alchemy Pay: Bygge bro mellem Fiats og kryptovalutaernes globale økonomier

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Kina advarer om global finansiel ustabilitet fra amerikanske økonomiske politikker

China has urged the U.S. and other developed nations to assess the spillover effects of their economic and financial policies. “The economic and financial policies of the U.S. pose the biggest challenge to global financial stability,” according to the Chinese Ministry

Analytikere vejer ind i BRICS-valutaen som værktøj til at møde amerikanske dollar-baserede sanktioner

Analysts have begun considering using a future BRICS currency to sidestep U.S. sanctions and the dollar’s influence in international markets. While the rise of the U.S. dollar was significant to spur an era of economic growth after World War II, det…

Brasiliens præsident Lula opfordrer udviklingslandene til at opgive dollar som global reservevaluta

Ifølge Brasiliens præsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, udviklingslande bør opgive USA. dollar og styrke deres egne nationale valutaer. Under en tale i New Development Bank i Shanghai, Lula udtrykte sin natlige grubleri: “Hvorfor gør alle lande…

Dollar til at spille mindre rolle på grund af dens våben, Digitale valutaer, Det siger økonom Jeffrey Sachs

Within the next decade, USA. dollar will play a much less dominant role than it is today, according to Jeffrey Sachs. The renowned economist listed a few factors for the diminishing status of the greenback such as its use as

Markedsanalytiker bebuder kollapset af 'Alt,Opfordrer til afdækning i guld og sølv, før der ikke er nogen tilbage

Egon von Greyerz, market analyst and founder of Matterhorn Asset Management, is predicting the collapse of the central bank system in the next few years due to an increasing issuance of currency and debt. Von Greyerz states that in the face

Binance sagsøgt af CFTC for påståede overtrædelser af regler for handel og derivater

Verdenen’s largest crypto exchange by trade volume, Binance Holdings Ltd., has been sued by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao has been named in the lawsuit and the charges claim the crypto exchange broke several trading

Coinbase prøver AI Assistant Chatgpt til risikovurdering af tokens før notering

Krypto-udveksling Coinbase har testet Openai's Chatgpt som et token-verifikationsværktøj, der sammenligner det med dets standardsikkerhedsprocedure. I over halvdelen af ​​tilfældene, AI-platformen gav de samme resultater som den manuelle gennemgang, men det lykkedes heller ikke…

Yuga Labs' tolvfoldige samling af ordinære inskriptioner genereres 735 Bitcoin, Mere værd end $16 Million

Yuga Labs, skaberne af blue-chip ikke-fungible token (NFT) samling Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), meddelt, at holdet har gennemført sin Ordinal Inscription auktion med i alt 3,246 bydere. Den tolvfoldige samling af inskriptioner genereret 735.7 bitcoin, værdi…

Berkshires Charlie Munger siger 'latterligt', at enhver ville købe krypto - 'Det er en absolut rædsel'

Warren Buffett’s right-hand man and the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, says people who oppose banning cryptocurrencies areidiots,” adding that it’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “just ridiculousanybody would buy crypto. He also likened replacing national currencies to replacing air, stating that