Bitcoin netværk hits 75% Fremskridt mod næste belønningshalvering

At 11:06 er. østlig tid (ET) den april 29, 2023, i blokhøjde 787,500, the number of blocks left to discover until the next Bitcoin blockchain halving is now fewer than 52,500 blocks. This means the network has progressed 75% through

Moody's States Inflation påvirker økonomisk genopretning i en del af Latam

Moody’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta, vurderingsbureauet for aktivkvalitet, har advaret om, at den høje inflation, som nogle lande står over for i Latam, vil påvirke det økonomiske opsving i regionen. Brasilien, Chile, and Mexico are said to be the countries more affected by

Den Internationale Valutafond skal hjælpe El Salvador med at udarbejde statistik over Bitcoin-adoption

Den Internationale Valutafond har nævnt, at den yder teknisk bistand til El Salvadors regering på forskellige måder. Ifølge Gerry Rice, en talsmand for organisationen, the group is having talks with people of the Salvadoran government about

Coinbase CEO siger, at almindelige russere bruger krypto som en livline, når rublen kollapser

The CEO of the Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange Coinbase says ordinary Russians are using cryptocurrency as a lifeline now that their own currency, rublen, has collapsed. The executive also does not see a high risk of Russian oligarchs using crypto to

Fitch Ratings nedgraderer El Salvador dybere ind i junkstatus med henvisning til Bitcoin-risici

One of the largest rating agencies in the U.S., Fitch Ratings, has downgraded El Salvadors long-term default rating deeper into junk status, citing risks from adopting bitcoin as legal tender as a key reason. “The adoption of bitcoin as legal tender

De tre store kreditbureauer kritiserer El Salvadors Bitcoin-adoption - S&P Global advarer om 'umiddelbare negative konsekvenser'

All of theBig Threecredit agencies have said that El Salvadors adoption of bitcoin could affect the countrys credit rating in a negative manner. After both Moodys and Fitch Ratings published reports on the matter in El Salvador, S&P Global…