Ethereum-prisen topper kl $2,758 Dette år, Så fald til $2,342 ved slutningen af ​​2023, Finder-eksperter siger

A recent survey made public by the online comparison platform has revealed the predictions of 32 professionals in the fields of fintech and cryptocurrency. The specialists have expressed their conviction that ethereum, the second largest digital asset by market capitalization,…

UK Bank Starling blokerer betalinger til kryptoplatforme – hævder at krypto er højrisiko, Stærkt brugt til kriminelle formål

Starling Bank has informed its customers that the bank no longer supports fund transfers to cryptocurrency platforms, including crypto exchanges. The bank stated that cryptocurrenciesare high risk and heavily used for criminal purposes and, as such, we no longer support

Zksync Devs planlægger at lancere lag 3 Skaleringsløsning kaldet 'Opportunity' i 1. kvartal 2023

Matter Labs, the team behind the Ethereum layer two (L2) scaling protocol Zksync, revealed the developers plan to launch a layer three (L3) proof of concept calledOpportunityin the first quarter of 2023. The team says that the prototype of

Sydafrikansk kryptovaluta ejerskabsrate på 10% — Beretning

Med en ejerskabsrate for kryptovaluta på 10%, eller fire millioner mennesker, Sydafrika “ligger 18. ud af 26 lande for kryptoadoption,” den seneste Finder’s rapport har sagt. Rapporten bemærkede også, at Sydafrika’s andel af kryptoejere, der holder bitcoin,…

Finders $675 ETH forudsigelse, Indien opfordrer til G20 Re: Kryptoskatter, Peterffy bekymrer sig om, at BTC kunne 'blive værdiløs eller forbudt' - News Week i anmeldelse

I denne uge’s bite-sized digest of the hottest stories from News, a new Finder survey knocks down previous forecasts for ethereums price a notch, with crypto experts predicting lower long-term prices for the asset. Også, India calls on G20 nations

Seneste globale Findex-undersøgelse: Andel af den voksne befolkning med en bankkonto nu 76% — 1.4 Milliard voksne stadig uden bank

Mellem 2011 og 2021, verdens andel’s voksne befolkning, der havde bankkonti steg fra 51% til 76%, resultaterne af den seneste World Bank Global Financial Index undersøgelse har vist. Om 1.4 milliarder voksne er, imidlertid, stadig uden bank,…

Finders meningsmåling udført uger før Terra's Fallout forudsagde, at LUNA ville trykke $143 Dette år

For nylig, the product comparison platform findercom polled 36 fintech-specialister om cryptocurrency terra (LUNA) før terrausd (vækstmarkedsføring hos Kraken) mistede sin paritet med U.S.A. dollar. Ifølge meningsmålingen, Finders experts predicted LUNA would be $143 before the end of

Finders eksperter forudsiger, at Apecoin vil ende 2022 på $27 pr. token, 75% Tænk, at APE bare er 'endnu en Memecoin'

Den april 28, 2022, kryptoaktivet apecoin nåede et rekordhøjt niveau (ATH) aflytning $26.70 enhed og den digitale valuta har taget den 25. største markedsværdi blandt 13,371 kryptovalutaer. Den samme dag, the product comparison platform Finder published its

Vietnamesisk regering og centralbank udvikler juridiske rammer for krypto

Vietnam is creating a legal framework for cryptocurrency. Landet’s deputy prime minister has instructed the Ministries of Finance, Justice, and Information & Communications to work with the central bank, the State Bank of Vietnam, on the framework. Vietnam Creating Legal

Ubisoft Executive mener, at spillere afviser NFT'er, fordi de ikke forstår fordelene

Nicolas Pouard, an executive at Ubisoft, one of the leading videogame companies in the entertainment world, has issued his take on the backlash from gamers regarding the inclusion of NFTs in traditional franchises. The VP at Ubisofts Strategic Innovations Lab stated