SEC-formand siger, at det er vigtigt at regulere kryptoudstedere og -formidlere

Formanden for U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), Gary Gensler, has stressed the importance of bringingintermediaries and issuers of crypto securitiesinto compliance. Ud over, USA. Treasury Department’s Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) has recommended that regulatory

SEC-håndhævelse forbliver fokuseret på krypto - formand Gensler siger, at han er "imponeret" over håndhævelsesresultater

USA. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) says its Enforcement Divisionremains focused on the rapidly evolving crypto asset securities space.The securities regulator filed 760 enforcement actions in total this fiscal year. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler commented: “I continue to

CFTC-formand om amerikansk kryptoregulering: Vi er nødt til at stole på 70 år gammel retspraksis for at afgøre, hvad en værdipapir eller vare er

The chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) says his agency and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) “have to rely on 70-year-old case law to determine whats a security or a commodity.He stressed that the SEC and CFTC

Amerikansk senator ønsker, at kongressen træder ind med kryptovejledning - opfordrer SEC til at give meget mere klarhed om reglerne

OS. Senator Pat Toomey says Congress should step in and provide a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency. He stressed that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) is not sharing its framework for regulating crypto with lawmakers, noting that Chairman Gary Gensler

Finders $675 ETH forudsigelse, Indien opfordrer til G20 Re: Kryptoskatter, Peterffy bekymrer sig om, at BTC kunne 'blive værdiløs eller forbudt' - News Week i anmeldelse

I denne uge’s bite-sized digest of the hottest stories from News, a new Finder survey knocks down previous forecasts for ethereums price a notch, with crypto experts predicting lower long-term prices for the asset. Også, India calls on G20 nations