Arbitrums Governance Token ARB rangerer i top 40 Markedsværdier efter Airdrop

Following the Arbitrum token airdrop, ARB has become a top 40 cryptocurrency as it currently holds the 37th largest market valuation out of more than 23,000 listed digital currencies. I øjeblikket, there is a circulating supply of 1,275,000,000 ARB, and the Arbitrum

Arbitrum lancerer Native Governance Token ARB og selvudførende DAO-styringsmodel

The Ethereum layer two (L2) scaling solution Arbitrum has launched a native governance token named ARB and a self-executing decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance model. The ARB token will have an initial supply of 10 milliard, and coins will be airdropped

Napster udvider sig til Web3 Music Space med erhvervelse af mintsange

På onsdag, Napster, the music streaming service originally launched in 1999, announced that the company has finalized a deal to acquire the Web3 music startup Mint Songs. Napster’s CEO, Jon Vlassopulos, insists thatwe are in an unprecedented era of innovation

Finders eksperter forudsiger, at Apecoin vil ende 2022 på $27 pr. token, 75% Tænk, at APE bare er 'endnu en Memecoin'

Den april 28, 2022, kryptoaktivet apecoin nåede et rekordhøjt niveau (ATH) aflytning $26.70 enhed og den digitale valuta har taget den 25. største markedsværdi blandt 13,371 kryptovalutaer. Den samme dag, the product comparison platform Finder published its