Tanzanias centralbankschef: Kryptovalutor inte förbjudna, Handlare bör investera på egen risk

The Tanzanian central bank governor recently revealed that cryptocurrencies are not outlawed in the country but warned those dabbling in crypto-related investments that they do so at their own risk. Central Bank Open to Ideas The governor of the Bank of

Multicoin Capital Exec säger att det kanske inte finns någon kryptobjörnmarknad alls,Påstår att "Bitcoin kommer att vändas"

While the crypto economy has tumbled in value during the last two weeks, the managing partner at Multicoin Capital, Kyle Samani, recently shared his views on why he thinks thenext bear market will not be like the last one.” I…

Cryptocurrency Exchange Huobi Global lämnar Kina denna månad

Digital asset exchange Huobi Global has revealed its intention to exit the Chinese Market. The crypto trading platform with Chinese roots said it will stop processing transactions for existing users on the mainland by the end of the year. Huobi Global…

Ethereum kan detronisera Bitcoin som bästa kryptobutik av värde, Studie argumenterar

A recent paper authored by members of several universities, including Sydney and Macquarie, argues that recent changes in Ethereum monetary policy are making it a better store of value than bitcoin. The deflationary effect that the EIP-1559 proposal has caused in

Årlig volym kryptotransaktioner gjorda av Russians Reaches $5 Miljard, Bank of Russia fynd

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto

Sydafrikanska Fintech-höjningar $120 Miljoner i finansieringsrunda ledd av Fidelity

A South Africa and London-based fintech startup, JUMO, recently revealed it has raised $120 million in a funding round led by Fidelity Management & Research Company. AI-Powered Financial Services According to a report by Techcrunch, financial services giant Visa and Kingsway

"Bitcoin är värt noll" - Kenyansk kommunikationsstrateg varnar afrikanska investerare att vara försiktiga

A Kenyan communications strategist, Mwotia Ciugu, has told African investors to be wary of investing in bitcoin which he claims is worth zero. Bitcoin Structurally Incapable of Delivering on Its Promise In an op-ed published by The Elephant, Ciugu insists bitcoin

Australien behöver regler för att underlätta kryptoaffärer, Senatsutskottets rapporter

A Senate committee in Australia has made a number of proposals to address the lack of proper regulations for the cryptocurrency space. The lawmakers believe the country needs new rules for its fintech and digital asset industries to be able to

Nigeriansk byrå avslår Blockchain-startansökan — säger att tekniken inte erkänns av regeringen

Nigeria’s företagsregistreringsbyrå, företagskommissionen (CAC), enligt uppgift avvisade en ansökan om registrering av ett nystartat företag på grundval av att blockchain ännu inte har erkänts av den nigerianska regeringen. Decision Disappoints Blockchain Community According to a report, de…

Nigerianska centralbankens hot tvingar parallell växelkursspårare att stänga av tjänsten

Efter hot från Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), ledningen för Abokifx, en webbplats som spårar den nigerianska valutan’s svarta marknadens växelkurser, har meddelat att deras dagliga uppdateringar avbryts. This suspension will remain in effect until Abokifx gets