Medan aktier återhämtar sig, Analytiker diskuterar Bitcoins avkoppling, Guldmarknaderna är fortfarande "under press"

U.S. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on

Oregelbundna obligationsavkastningar, Nedstängningar, och krig - 3 Skäl till varför ekonomisk återhämtning inte kommer att ske snabbt

The global economy looks bleak as inflation continues to rise, and a wide array of financial investments continue to shudder in value. Since May 2, 2022, the crypto economy has dropped more than 15% från $1.83 trillion to today’s $1.54 biljon….

Medan globala marknader blir skrämda av Covid och en Hawkish Fed, Aktier och kryptoåterhämtning efter att Musk köper Twitter

Wall Street suffered Monday morning as the major U.S. stock indexes dropped further, building on losses gathered last week. Reports indicate that investors are concerned about the upcoming Federal Reserve rate hikes and Chinas recent Covid-19 outbreak. As equities floundered on

Data visar de globala finansiella villkoren som snäst inom 2 år, Skakiga obligationsmarknader pekar på långsiktig inflation

I slutet av handelsdagen på måndag, Wall Street föll igen när stora aktier föll under dagen’s handelssessioner. Most news outlets indicate the Russia-Ukraine war is causing the bleak outlook and reports show strained financial

IMF varnar för att pågående krig i Europa kommer att ha en "allvarlig inverkan på den globala ekonomin"

In a report published on Saturday, Internationella valutafonden (IMF) has warned that an ongoing war in Europe and associated sanctions will have asevere impact on the global economy.The IMFs report says there is “extraordinär osäkerhet” in the

Geopolitisk risk och oro för Ukraina skakar aktier, Kryptovalutor – guld skjuter i höjden

På onsdag, global markets have been volatile as Ukraine officials declared a state of emergency amid fears of a Russian invasion. Wall Streets top indexes shuddered during the day’s handelssessioner, and cryptocurrency markets slipped more than 4% during the 24

Shark Tanks Kevin O'Leary förväntar sig att Bitcoin kommer att "uppskatta dramatiskt" i 2-3 år

Kevin O’Leary, men mr. Underbar, has shared what he thinks the price of bitcoin will be in the coming years. He said when institutions get the go-ahead from their compliance departments to invest in bitcoin, the price of the cryptocurrency “är…

Ädelmetaller, Kryptovalutor, Börserna vacklar efter Powells uttalanden om räntehöjningar

Equities, crypto markets, and precious metals did well during the early morning trading sessions on Wednesday, just before the U.S. central bank wrapped up its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) möte. While the Fed said in a statement that the benchmark

Fundstrats chefsstrateg förutspår att Bitcoin fortfarande har "exponentiell tillväxt framåt"

Fundstrat Global Advisorshead of research says bitcoin still hasexponential growth aheadof it. While acknowledging recent price swings of the cryptocurrency, the strategist emphasized that bitcoin has so far regained its losses in short periods of time. Bitcoin Still

Miljardären Stan Druckenmiller varnar Crypto, Meme aktier, Obligationer är i en bubbla: "Denna bubbla finns i allt"

Billionaire investor Stan Druckenmiller has warned that everything is in a bubble, mentioning cryptocurrency, meme aktier, aktier, and bonds in particular. “This bubble is in everything, every asset on the planet,” Druckenmiller stressed. Druckenmillers Warning: Every Asset Is in a Bubble