Rapporter tyder på att Caroline Ellison arbetar med Feds och snattar på FTX. Grundare Bankman-Fried

Following the arrest of the former FTX boss Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), spectators continue to wonder where ex-Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison is, and whether or not she turned on SBF. A few reports suggest Ellison is “likely working with feds” and

"Kryptovalutor som Bitcoin gör global handel lätt" - grundare av nigeriansk kryptobörs

Despite the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s Feb. 5, 2021 directive that instructed banks to block crypto entities from the financial system, the demand and use of cryptocurrencies have continued to grow. Not even the central bank’s subsequent crackdown on crypto

FTX medgrundare Sam Bankman-Fried står inför amerikansk utlämning, Konkursdomstolen säger att de högsta cheferna inte kommer att kompenseras

According to a report citing three people familiar with the matter, the former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) may be extradited to the United States for questioning. After it was alleged that SBF transferred $10 billion in customer funds to Alameda

Warren Buffetts Berkshire Hathaway varnar för att Crypto Exchange-webbplatsen använder sitt namn

The Warren Buffett-led Berkshire Hathaway has issued a statement warning that a cryptocurrency exchange website is using its name. The company stressed that the crypto firm has no affiliation with Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or its chairman and CEO, Warren E. Buffett….

Brasilien-baserade FTX-kunder organiserar sig för att lämna in grupptalan

A group of customers of the recently collapsed crypto exchange FTX, is organizing to take legal action against the company. The suit would be led by Ray Nasser, CEO of Arthur Mining, and will be brought by customers who had more

Fransk advokat ber den ryska patriarken att hjälpa till att rädda Alexander Vinnik från "politisk rättegång" i USA

A member of the defense team of the alleged BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik has called on the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to intervene in support of his client. The Russian national may be sentenced to over 50 years in

Studien finner nästan 60% av Hong Kong och Singapores Super Rich har investerat i digitala tillgångar

According to a study jointly published by KPMG China and Aspen Digital, about 58% of Singapore and Hong Kongs family offices and high-net-worth individuals have invested in digital assets. Reports suggest the info shows the crypto market downturn has not diminished

Tidigare vd för Morgan Stanley: Krypto kan bli "ett enormt sätt" att monetära transaktioner äger rum

Former Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack has confirmed that he still owns bitcoin. While admitting that it is hard for him to understand why crypto has value, the former executive believes that 50 years from now, crypto could bea huge

Sydostasiens största bank DBS lanserar självstyrd kryptohandel bland institutionell efterfrågan

The largest bank in Southeast Asia, DBS, has launched self-directed cryptocurrency trading via its app. More customers are now qualified to access the banks digital asset exchange and trade cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin and ether. DBS Launches Self-Directed Crypto Trading DBS, de…

Vietnams kryptogruvarbetare klagar på förluster från Ethereums sammanslagning

Miners in Vietnam have expressed grievances over the loss of business following Ethereums transition to a consensus mechanism that does not require the energy-intensive computing they were providing. Many are in trouble, rapporterade lokala medier, quoting entrepreneurs and mining enthusiasts. Kryptovaluta…