Med Nära till 10 Miljarder Stablecoins inlösta, BUSD:s utbud sjunker till den lägsta nivån sedan april 2021

Statistics recorded on April 15, 2023, show that the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD dropped below the 7 billion range to 6.68 miljard, marking the lowest number of BUSD in circulation since April 2021. vidare, data indicates

Crypto Exchange Bitrue lider $23 Million Hack

Singapore-based crypto exchange Bitrue has lost millions of U.S. dollar’ worth of ether and other coins in a hack. The trading platform suspended withdrawals until early next week to conduct additional security checks and promised to compensate the affected users. Bitrue

Microstrategy's Bitcoin Holdings Reach 140,000 BTC efter förvärv 1,045 Fler Bitcoins

Nine days after publicly listed company Microstrategy purchased 6,455 bitcoins, firman’s VD, Michael Saylor, announced the purchase of an additional 1,045 bitcoins. The business intelligence (BI) company now holds a total of 140,000 bitcoins, värde $3.97 miljard. Microstrategy Buys Another

P2P Bitcoin Exchange Paxful stänger av marknadsplatsen med osäkerhet om avkastning

Enligt ett meddelande från Paxfuls grundare och VD, Ray Youssef, peer-to-peer bitcoin-handelsplattformen stoppar sin marknadsplats, och företaget är osäkert om det kommer tillbaka. Youssef nämnde utmaningar som regelverk och några viktiga personalavgångar, men…

Bitcoin-halveringsmetoder: Mindre än 400 Dagar tills subventionen för blockbelöning halveras

According to current statistics, the Bitcoin network is fewer than 56,000 blocks away and less than 400 days away from the next reward halving. After the next halving, the block reward will be reduced by 50%, and the current block subsidy

Bitcoin-miljonären Tim Draper råder nystartade företag att behålla Bitcoin som en säkring mot en "Domino"-körning på bankerna

Tim Draper, a venture capitalist and bitcoin millionaire, has included bitcoin as part of a series of cash management recommendations offered to startup founders. Draper recommended having at least two payrolls worth of cash in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to avoid

Antal oåterkalleligt förlorade BTC nu 6 Million — Cane Island Manager

The number of irretrievably lost bitcoins has now reached 6 miljon, which leaves 13.3 million as coins that remain in circulation, Timothy Peterson of Cane Island Alternative Advisors has said. Peterson added that out of the 1.7 million bitcoins that will

USA:s regering är fortfarande en av de främsta Bitcoin-innehavarna med beslagtagen förvaring som värderas till $5.6 Miljard

As of March 25, 2023, USA. government held 205,515 bitcoins worth $5.6 miljard, which is approximately 1.06% of the circulating supply, according to current statistics. The cache of bitcoins is a result of three forfeitures that began in 2020. Glassnode’s…

Arbitrums Governance Token ARB rankas i topp 40 Börsvärden efter Airdrop

Following the Arbitrum token airdrop, ARB has become a top 40 cryptocurrency as it currently holds the 37th largest market valuation out of more than 23,000 listed digital currencies. För närvarande, there is a circulating supply of 1,275,000,000 ARB, and the Arbitrum

In-Chat Tether Transfers introducerade i Telegram

Users of the Telegram messenger will now be able to send each other the leading stablecoin, tjudra (usdt), directly in the chats. The new option expands the list of cryptocurrencies available for purchase, försäljning, and trade in the messaging app. Tjudra…