IRS förväntar sig att beslagta miljarder dollar i kryptovaluta nästa år - mer än $3.5 Miljarder i krypto beslagtogs i år

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has revealed that $3.5 billion in crypto was seized during the fiscal year 2021. This represents 93% of all funds seized by its criminal investigation unit during the same time period. The agency expects to seize

DOJ säljer kryptovaluta som beslagtas från Bitconnect Worth $56 Miljon

USA. justitiedepartementet (DOJ) is selling cryptocurrency worth $56 million that was seized from thenumber one promoterof Bitconnect, the largest crypto fraud scheme ever charged criminally. Investors were fraudulently induced to invest over $2 miljard. The Bitconnect

Kazakstan inför köpgränser för investerare i handel med krypto

Authorities in Kazakhstan have introduced restrictions on the amounts of cryptocurrency retail investors can buy on local exchanges. Officials explained the decision citing the need to protect private individuals from exposure to the risks associated with digital financial assets. Investors in

Kommittén för digital transformation rekommenderar ändrad ukrainsk kryptolag för adoption

Lagen “On Virtual Assets,” Ukraina’s attempt to regulate its growing crypto space, has been revised again and recommended for final adoption. A key parliamentary committee has given its support for the bill which was vetoed by the Ukrainian president this

Ukrainas säkerhetstjänst får brottslig grupp som säljer skadlig programvara för att stjäla bitcoin

Law enforcement authorities in Ukraine have exposed a crime ring specializing in cryptocurrency theft and laundering of illicit funds for hackers. The gang, which provided services to clients on the darknet, has been dismantled as a result of a joint operation web3 Marketing Protocol syftar till Metaverse Ads

PRESSMEDDELANDE. Adshares ($ADS) decentralized network working since 2017, created the possibility to connect Publishers and Advertisers directly with the use of blockchain and allows them to sign advertising contracts without intermediaries. The Adshares team is constantly putting in a lot

Coinbase publicerar förslag för att driva på kryptoreglering 4 Kärnrekommendationer

Kryptovalutabörsen Coinbase har publicerat sitt förslag till kryptoreglering efter “mer än 75 möten med berörda parter i regeringen, industri, och akademin,” VD Brian Armstrong avslöjade. I sitt förslag till policyförslag om digitala tillgångar, rekommenderar företaget “four core pillars to inform future

Salvadoras president Nayib Bukele hånar ekonomen Steve Hanke efter att Bitcoins pris skjutit i höjden

I oktober 15, the day bitcoins price surpassed the $60K per unit handle, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele taunted the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke, over his recent statements. Just då, the well known economist warned

CFTC Böter Stablecoin Emittent Tether och Crypto Exchange Bitfinex $42.5 Miljon

På fredag, oktober 15, 2021, USA. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced that it had ordered the company Tether Holdings Limited and Ifinex Inc., the parent company of Bitfinex, to pay fines totaling $42.5 miljon. The CFTC accuses Tether of

Swiss Bank Seba låter nu kunder tjäna avkastning på kryptoinnehav

En FINMA-licensierad schweizisk bank, Själv, har lanserat ett program som gör det möjligt för kunder att tjäna avkastning på sina kryptoinnehav. För övrigt, banken kommer “ge stöd för centraliserade utlånings- och upplåningstjänster, enabling investors to generate yield by lending bitcoin and ethereum