Putin, Xi lovar att använda Yuan när Ryssland och Kina flyttar till bosättningar i nationella valutor

As part of the talks that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping are currently conducting in Russia, Russia has vowed to move to use the Chinese yuan as a settlement currency with countries in Asia, Afrika, and Latam….

Analytiker misstänker att bankkrisen utlöste "Resting Bull Market" i guld, Silver kunde skriva ut mycket högre vinster

At the start of the week, a troy ounce of .999 fine gold was trading at $1,813 per enhet. Seven days later, gold rose 9.65% mot U.S.A. dollar to the current spot price of $1,988 per uns. Guld’s rise comes

Trezor tar kontroll över chipproduktionen för ökad säkerhet och snabbare produktionstid

Trezor, the manufacturer of crypto hardware wallets, has announced that it will take control of its wallet chip production process by producing its own silicon chips. The company states that the newly designedchip wrapperwill enhance device security and considerably

Rapportera: Kryptoadoption når nya milstolpar – globala kryptoägare nådde 425 Miljoner in 2022

Crypto adoption achieved new milestones in 2022, with the number of crypto owners reaching 425 million during the year, a new report by Crypto.com shows. Dessutom, the report reveals that the number of bitcoin owners reached 219 million in December while

Världsbankens rapport förutspår en dyster global ekonomisk utsikt, Citerar "ogynnsam utveckling" och "långvarig avmattning"

Det är Jan. 10, 2023, the World Bank published its Global Economic Prospects report, stating that the outlook for the global economy and future economic conditions is bleak. According to the report, 2023 growth forecasts have been cut across the board, med…

Argentinsk peso bryter det historiska låga märket när argentinarna säkrar besparingar i dollar

The U.S dollar-Argentine peso exchange rate escalated during December, with the Argentine fiat currency reaching new historic lows as citizens ran to exchange their holiday payments for dollars. USA. dollar reached a value of 356 pesos on December 28, förlorande…

Minxie lanserar NFT-projekt som syftar till att förse den outnyttjade skaparekonomin med lösningar genom blockchain

PRESSMEDDELANDE. “NFTs aren’t dead, they are going to be everywhere” says Tina Lou, Head of Marketing at Minxie, “and, actually, the bear market is the best thing that could have happened to them”, she continues, “We’ve weeded through scams and

Prishöjning för naturgas drabbar kryptogruvarbetare i Iran

Companies using natural gas as a power source to mint digital currency in Iran will have to deal with a sharp increase in the price of the fuel. The new rates set by the state-run supplier are almost double the previous

230 Ekonomer varnar att den amerikanska regeringens föreslagna lag om inflationsminskning kommer att driva på inflationen

Last week, Democrats unveiled climate and health care legislation called theInflation Reduction Act,” and theres a lot of debate over the name of the proposed public policy measures. After the legislation was revealed, 230 economists sent a letter to the

De kusliga likheterna mellan dagens stora monetära förändring och det panikledda skapandet av Federal Reserve System

While many Americans believe the U.S. Federal Reserve is the caretaker of the countrys monetary system, its also believed to be one of the worst financial institutions ever created. I 2022, amid a gloomy economy, war, and a number of global