Okx introducerar nya Ordinals Marketplace bland Bitcoin Inscription och BRC20 Buzz

På tisdag, kryptoföretaget Okx tillkännagav lanseringen av en ny Ordinals-marknadsplats. Plattformen är tillgänglig via Okx Wallet och kommer att göra det möjligt för användare att prägla och handla Ordinal-inskriptioner och BRC20-tokens. Medan Ordinals marknadsplats är stilla…

Arbitrums Governance Token ARB rankas i topp 40 Börsvärden efter Airdrop

Following the Arbitrum token airdrop, ARB has become a top 40 cryptocurrency as it currently holds the 37th largest market valuation out of more than 23,000 listed digital currencies. För närvarande, there is a circulating supply of 1,275,000,000 ARB, and the Arbitrum

Metaverse, AI, och Liquid Staking Tokens Lead Year-to-Date Kryptotillgångsvinster bland toppen 125

I 2023, the leading crypto assets, such as bitcoin and ethereum, have captured decent gains. Bitcoin has increased 17.2% under den senaste 30 dagar, and ethereum has risen 9.3% in the same timeframe. i alla fall, year-to-date statistics show that bitcoin is down

Crypto Community frågar: Var i världen är Ex-Alamedas vd Sam Trabucco?

Efter FTX-medgrundaren Sam Bankman-Frieds arrestering och uttalanden från hans medarbetare Gary Wang och Caroline Ellison, rampljuset har riktats mot de återstående cheferna som ingick i lagets inre krets. Another person people are curious about these days

Rapportera: SEC höjer sonden till revisorer som betjänar kryptoutbyten

According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Paul Munter, the agency’s acting chief accountant, USA. regulator is monitoring proof-of-reserves (POR) more closely. “We’re warning investors to be very wary of some of the claims that are being made by

Nordkoreanska Lazarus Group kopplad till ett nytt hackningsschema för kryptovaluta

The Lazarus group, a North Korean hacking organization previously linked to criminal activity, has been connected to a new attack scheme to breach systems and steal cryptocurrency from third parties. The campaign, which uses a modified version of an already existing

WEMIX Avnotering: Sydkoreansk Crypto Exchange Upbit anklagas för att ha anstiftat tokenborttagning

According to the CEO of Wemade, Henry Chang, the South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit was the brains behind the Digital Asset Exchange Joint Consultative Body (DAXA)’s decision to delist WEMIX. The Wemade CEO accused Upbit of applying different standards and of

Binances Bitcoin Reserve Stash närmar sig 600,000, Företagets BTC-cache är nu den största som innehas av en börs

När du var där’s been a lot of discussions concerning proof-of-reserves, self-custody, and the more than $5 billion in bitcoin and ethereum that left exchanges between Nov. 7 through Nov. 14, 2022, Binance’s bitcoin stash has grown significantly since Nov. 12. Faktiskt,…

Anklagas Kwon för att ha tagit ut $2,7 miljarder innan UST kollapsar, Terra grundare säger att anklagelserna är falska

Terra’s new LUNA 2.0 token has lost 54% in value in the last two weeks, after reaching $11.33 per unit on May 30. Under tiden, the whistleblower Fatman has accused Terras co-founder Do Kwon of cashing out $2.7 billion a few months

Crypto Settlement Startup Zebec Gets $15 Miljoner för att skapa programmerbara kontantströmsbetalningar

The multi-signature treasury management and settlement startup Zebec has revealed the company has raised $15 million in order to bolster a continuous and programmable cash stream protocol on the Solana blockchain. Zebec says the company aims to be thepayment solution