Gold Prices Expected to Soar in 2023: Experts Predict Record Highs for Precious Metal

Gold is on the rise in 2023 and in the first week of the new year alone, the precious metal has jumped 2.36% proti ZDA. dolar. Over the past 65 dnevi, gold has soared 14.55% while silver has skyrocketed 22.31%

Banka Rusije omilila omejitve pri nakupu gotovine v dolarjih in evrih

The Central Bank of Russia has relaxed some limitations for Russian banks selling U.S. dollars and euros to the public. The increased supply of foreign cash may affect the crypto market in the country as currency restrictions have been a driver

IMF opozarja, da sankcije Rusiji grozijo, da bodo spodkopale prevlado ameriškega dolarja

Finančne sankcije, uvedene Rusiji zaradi njene invazije na Ukrajino, lahko zmanjšajo prevlado ZDA. valuta, po besedah ​​visokega uradnika Mednarodnega denarnega sklada (IMF). Konfrontacija bi lahko vodila v razdrobljenost sveta’s current monetary

Rusija razmišlja o delni zamenjavi dolarskih rezerv z digitalnimi sredstvi v prihodnosti

Amid ongoing sanctions, the government of Russia has been working to limit the country’odvisnost od ZDA. dolar. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs now says its possible to partially replace the greenback in currency reserves and trade settlements with other